Infertility Clinical Trials at CHR

Infertility Clinical Trials at CHR

CHR is committed to fertility research and education. As a leading fertility center focused with rigorous fertility research program, CHR is always conducting multiple fertility studies. Below are three current clinical trials for which we are actively recruiting participants. For a list of fertility research publications that came out as a result of CHR's research activities, please refer to our publications list.

Dr. Barad on CHR's Research

“Medicine, over time, progresses because somebody has an idea, somebody tries to implement that idea.” says the Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. David H. Barad

Currently Ongoing Clinical Trials

Clinical trials listed in this section are currently ongoing, and may be recruiting participants, although some trials are open by invitation only.

Clinical Trial NCT04278313: Ovarian Function Following Intraovarian Injection of PRP (PRP4POA)

As women age oocytes are gradually depleted with a consequent progressive loss of ovarian function and fertility. When a woman's follicle cohort falls below a critical level, she enters a transitional time of diminished ovarian reserve known as ovarian aging. Recently the use of autologous platelet-rich plasma (A-PRP) has been proposed as an additional strategy for improving ovarian function. A-PRP is prepared from autologous blood using an FDA approved device. The rationale for the use of PRP is that it contains growth factors which stimulate cellular anabolism, inflammatory modulators that create an anti-inflammatory effect and fibrinogen which acts as a scaffold for regenerating tissue. The investigators hypothesize that the growth factors present in PRP may have a beneficial effect promoting growth and recruitment of antral follicles. The investigators will recruit a prospective cohort of 90 patients with evidence of Premature Ovarian Aging/DOR. Women invited to participate in this RCT will have FSH above 12 and AMH below 1.0 ng/mL respectively and will have had fewer than 6 oocytes retrieved in a previous ovulation attempt. Consenting participants in this trial will be randomized in a doubly blind fashion to two groups. One will receive Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and the other will receive Platelet Poor Plasma (PPP). Women assigned to PPP will be offered PRP in a future cycle if they so desire.

Closed Clinical Trials

Clinical trials listed in this section has been completed or closed. Results for completed studies will be published on a timely basis.

DHEA and Premature Ovarian Aging

Clinical Trial NCT00650754: The experimental focus of the project was on the interaction of DHEA treatment on pregnancy in women with otherwise unexplained infertility and evidence of premature ovarian aging (POA). Participants were randomized into tow groups, one receiving dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) supplementation and the other receiving placebo.

This study has been completed. More information about using DHEA in IVF for women with diminished ovarian reserve is available on the DHEA page.

Comparison of the Embryoscope Time-Lapse System with Standard Embryo Culture: an Open Labbel Randomized Clinical Trial

Clinical Trial NCT02246309: This trial randomized 120 patients (60 in each arm) to standard embryo culture or to culture in an embryoscope, a closed embryo incubation system with ability to take time-lapse photography. The primary endpoint was a comparison of time spent by the laboratory personnel with each system. Secondary endpoints was IVF outcomes. This study has been completed. Watch Dr. Gleicher explain the results of this trial

Effect of G-CSF on Poor Endometrial Development During IVF

Clinical Trial NCT01202643:

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of G-CSF on endometrial thickness in women who have failed reaching minimal endometrial thickness by standard treatments, to assess how many reach embryo transfer and what implantation and pregnancy rates are in comparison to control patients. The study will be conducted in women undergoing transfer of previously cryopreserved embryos or undergoing transfer of embryos from donor eggs. This invitations-only G-CSF study has been completed.

Effect of G-CSF on Thin Endometrium

Clinical Trial NCT01202656: This is a trial designed to test whether granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF, Neupogen) can increase the rate of embryo implantation following IVF and embryo transfer. Preliminary data at CHR and elsewhere suggest that intrauterine infusion of G-CSF can improve endometrial development and can increase implantation rates of embryos. More detailed information is available on the thin endometrium study page. This study has been completed.

DHEA Treatment and Premature Ovarian Failure (POF)

Clinical Trial NCT00948857: This clinical trial is designed to evaluate whether supplementation with DHEA for 3 months improves spontaneous pregnancy rates in patients with premature ovarian failure (POF). His study has been discontinued due to lack of recruitment.

Clinical Trial NCT02179255: Open-Label Randomized Trial of Human Growth Hormone (HGH) for Enhancement of Ovulation Induction in Association with In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

The purpose of this study is to determine whether administering human growth hormone during the early stages of follicle development improves ovarian response to stimulation with gonadotropins. Participation to this study will be offered to patients who have previously failed to respond to ovarian stimulation while on DHEA supplementation, or demonstrated less than 2 eggs after ovarian stimulation with DHEA.

Clinical Trial NCT01662466: Effect of Testosterone Supplementation vs Placebo on Embryo Quality among Women with Diminished Ovarian Reserve Undergoing IVF

The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of treatment with trans-dermal testosterone cream compared to placebo on measures of ovarian reserve, oocyte and embryo quality, and pregnancy rates among women with evidence of diminished ovarian reserve that have persistently low serum testosterone and free testosterone after completing six previous weeks of DHEA supplementation.

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