Watch Reproductive Health Videos

Abnormal Autoimmunity and Infertility

The relationship between abnormal female autoimmunity and infertility is a controversial one. However, based on the accumulated research at the Center for Human Reproduction, our team believes that there is a need for a more aggressive infertility treatment when a woman has a sub-clinical level of autoimmune dysfunction (when her autoimmune abnormality does not require other medical treatment). The link between abnormal autoimmunity and repeated miscarriages was first documented by the doctors at Center for Human Reproduction. In the video, Dr. Norbert Gleicher, Medical Director of the Center for Human Reproduction, explains how CHR may be able to help women with abnormal autoimmunity conceive and carry the baby to term. Learn more about autoimmunity & infertility at:
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Instant-Match Egg Donor

Frustrated by long waiting list for an egg donor? Center for Human Reproduction in New York can be a savior to patients frustrated by this, or those who look for specific qualities in their egg donors. At CHR, recipients can be matched with egg donors who are very close to their wishes within one or two days. With 64% clinical pregnancy rate (with only one or two embryos transferred per cycle) and 80+% cumulative pregnancy rate (using both fresh and frozen embryos), participants in CHR's egg donor program have a very good chance of adding a much-waited new member to their families. Learn more about egg donation at:
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Gender Selection

The two chief reasons that families pursue gender selection are to prevent known genetic anomolies from occurring, and to achieve family balancing, explains Dr. Norbert Gleicher MD. CHR has years of experience dealing with both situations, and uses gender selection methods that are safe, proven, and successful. Learn more about Gender Selection at:
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Advancements in IVF

Today, CHR constantly achieves over 60% pregnancy rate with in vitro fertilization (IVF). Dr. Barad explains that even older women (over 40) can expect better pregnancy chances through CHRs IVF program than much younger women could only 15 years ago. Bringing much-awaited babies to older women, in fact, has grown to be a specialty at CHR over the years. Learn more about IVF at CHR at:
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Premature Aging Ovaries Treatment

Unique expertise in treating women with aging ovaries developed by CHR in the past 5 years explained by Dr. David Barad of Center for Human Reproduction. Learn more Premature Ovarian Aging at: Most fertility clinics give up on women with older ovaries and recommend using donor eggs. At CHR, the medical team has developed a protocol that promotes the development of the eggs as they rest and mature in a womans ovary over many months. Using DHEA and other hormonal medications, CHR has been able to achieve an unusually high pregnancy rate of roughly 17% even in women over 40.
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Unexplained Infertility - The "Non-Diagnosis"

Unexplained Infertility as a diagnosis - Drs. David Barad and Norbert Gleicher of Center for Human Reproduction dont believe in Unexplained Infertility as a diagnosis. Too often, underlying cause of infertility is overlooked when Unexplained Infertility is handed out as a diagnosis. By identifying the real cause of infertility through tests in age-specific ovarian function, autoimmunity, genetics and other areas, CHR has been able to focus the infertility treatment more accurately on the root cause. In 90% of our patients, CHR is able to give the correct diagnosis within 2-3 weeks, instead of fleeing to the non-diagnosis of Unexplained Infertility. Learn more about unexplained infertility at:
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Egg Donation/ Donor Egg Program

Is egg donation right for you? Norbert Gleicher explains the egg donation process and provides valuable insight into when egg donation is appropriate and the criteria CHR uses for determining egg donor candidates. Learn more about egg donation at:
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High FSH Treatment

High FSH, also known as Elevated FSH, treatment explained by Dr. Gleicher from Center for Human Reproduction in New York NY. How High FSH affects fertility and premature ovarian aging. Learn more about high FSH at:
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Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and its effect on infertility discussed by Center for Human Reproduction's physician Norbert Gleicher, MD discusses. Listen here for PCOS syndrome treatment options. Learn more about PCOS at:
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Infertility Treatment

Infertility treatment options explained by Dr. David Barad, from Center for Human Reproduction in New York, NY. Dr. Barad is an expert in both male and female infertility. Learn more about infertility treatment:
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IVF - Why Individualization is Crucial

In Vitro Fertilization - why individualization is crucial in order to achieve the highest IVF success rates. Dr. Barad also explains how IVF success rates are calculated and the basics of the IVF procedure and infertility treatment. Learn more about IVF at:
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Endometriosis and Infertility

Endometriosis and its effect on infertility explained by Dr. Norbert Gleicher from CHR in New York, NY. What is endometriosis? Is pregnancy possible with endometriosis? Learn more about endometriosis at:
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Low or Abnormal Semen

Abnormal semen or low semen count and its effect on male fertility explained by Dr. Gleicher. Learn more about male infertility at:
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Which Gender Selection Methods Work Best?

Most reliable Gender Selection methods (Sex Selection). Gender Selection is the method of pre-determining a child's sex. The most common methods for Gender Selection are Microsort, Ericsson, Whelan, Shettles and PGD. Learn more about gender selection at:
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IVF Success Rates

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Sucess Rates explained by Dr. Norbert Gleicher from Center for Human Reproduction in New York, NY. How are IVF Success Rates calculated? Why do they vary from one IVF clinic to the other? Learn more about pregnancy rates at:
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Egg Donation Program- International (English)

Why international patients are coming to New York to find exemplary service. The Center for Human Reproduction offers a a vast range of egg donor ethnicities and the greatest overall satisfaction with our International Egg Donation Program. Learn more about our Egg Donation Program at:
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Premature Ovarian Aging and Early Menopause

Early and premature menopause and its link to diminished ovarian reserve, and the use of DHEA supplementation for improving ovarian reserve - discussed by Dr. Gleicher, a physician at Center for Human Reproduction in New York, NY. Learn more about POA at:
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Why choose Center for Human Reproduction New York?

Discover why men and women across the world put their trust in Center for Human Reproduction (CHR). Center for Human Reproduction is a world-renowned leader in infertility treatment, IVF and egg donation. Seeking infertility treatment? Learn more about CHR at:
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Receiving Donor Eggs: How to Know You're Ready

The reasons a donor egg program should be a last resort for fertility treatment and the difficult and emotional decision patients face when deciding to become a donor egg patient. Discussed by Dr. Norbert Gleicher, from the Center for Human Reproduction in New York. More about receiving donor eggs at:
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Getting Pregnant After 40

How to get pregnant over 40? World-renowned ovarian aging expert Dr. Norbert Gleicher discusses the relationship between FSH levels and age, and how this affects a women's ability to become pregnant after 40. Learn more about our services at:
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Testosterone Clinical Trial Instructions

The testosterone clinical trial explained by Dr. Barad of the Center for Human Reproduction in New York. The study is a double-blinded, prospectively randomized clinical trial (RCT), in order to determine effects of testosterone supplementation in women with diminished ovarian reserve (DOR), who have not adequately raised their testosterone levels following supplementation with dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). The study aims to determine whether trans-dermal (applied through the skin) testosterone cream improves ovarian reserve parameters, egg and embryo quality, and pregnancy rates. Learn more about CHR's testosterone clinical trial at:
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Egg Quality - Working Toward a Standard Criteria

The importance of egg quality for fertility and their research in developing a new standard criteria for determining the quality of an egg - Dr. David Barad and embryologist Emanuela Lazzarori. Learn more about egg quality at:
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Egg Quality in IVF

Why is egg quality important in fertility treatments? Dr. David Barad, a board certified specialist in fertility for over 26 years, discusses the importance of egg quality in fertility treatments such as IVF. Learn more about egg quality at:
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Testosterone and IVF success rates: Research discussion

Recent publication on testosterone and IVF success rates suggests that testosterone levels after androgen (DHEA) supplementation is a predictor of IVF pregnancy rates. Learn more about IVF success rates at:
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Low Testosterone associated with Fertilization

Diminished ovarian reserve at all ages as androgen-deficiency state discussed by Dr. Gleicher. Points drawn from recent publication in Human Reproduction that defines diminished ovarian reserve. Learn more about testosterone as it relates to fertility at:
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Affordable Egg Donation

The benefits, risks, and success rates associated with affordable egg donation. Dr. Norbert Gleicher, the founder of the CHR and an internationally recognized fertility specialist, answers your questions in a comprehensive overview of our low-cost donor egg program called "EcoDEP". What are the benefits of a frozen egg donor program over a fresh donor egg program? What are the pregnancy rates from frozen donor eggs? Learn more about affordable egg donation at:
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Egg Freezing & Fertility Preservation for Cancer Patients

Freezing eggs for the purpose of preserving fertility is a rapidly growing trend among women who are either must undergo medical treatment which would compromise their ability to have children (such as chemotherapy) or who wish to postpone having children until later in life when their fertility may not be optimal. Dr. Norbert Gleicher from the CHR explains the process of egg freezing (also known as oocyte cryopreservation), who may be candidates for this procedure, and the benefits of preserving your fertility for both medical and social reasons. More information about fertility preservation at:
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DHEA for Fertility

DHEA for fertility is used in 1/3 of all IVF centers around the world. CHR has seen that DHEA treated patients (with severely diminished ovarian reserve) is a surprising number of pregnancies but very low miscarriage rates. Learn more about DHEA at:
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Multiple Cycle IVF for Women with Very Low Ovarian Reserve

CHR's research suggests that women with very low ovarian reserve may benefit from DHEA supplementation and ovarian stimulation cycles back to back" Learn more about Low Ovarian Reserve here:
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Embryo Adoption Program

What is embryo adoption? What is the cost of an embryo adoption? How are the embryos available for adoption tested? Why does our clinic offer embryo adoption program? These questions addressed by Dr. Norbert Gleicher. Learn more at:
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EcoIVF at CHR: Economical IVF with a Simplified Protocol

Eco IVF (alo known as mini IVF or low cost IVF) is an economical IVF program that uses simplified protocol, designed specifically for young patients with very good ovarian functions. Minimal stimulation IVF cycles (like EcoIVF) do not result in better pregnancy chances via better-quality eggs, despite some specialists making such claims. Dr. Gleicher, founder of the CHR explains in this video about the EcoIVF program at the CHR and about whether or not you may be a candidate for this procedure. Learn more information about EvoIVF at:
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PGS and IVF Success Rates

PGS to improve IVF success rates is becoming more prevalent with technical improvements in diagnostic accuracy. However, data shows PGS reduces pregnancy rates and CHR cautions against routine PGS, especially in women with DOR. Learn more at:
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How DHEA Improves Fertility in Women with Low Ovarian Reserve

What is DHEA for fertility and how does it help improve fertility in women with DOR? Dr. Norbert Gleicher, founder of the CHR and world-renowned ovarian aging expert discusses how DHEA works to help improve pregnancy chances. Learn more about DHEA at:
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Human Growth Hormone IVF Clinical Trial

Dr. Barad explains new clinical trial showing human growth hormone (HGH) in IVF cycles. Learn why CHR thinks HGH might improve response to ovarian stimulation in women. Learn more about how human growth hormone affects fertility at:
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Fertility Options for Gay Couples: Egg Donation & Surrogacy Programs

The Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. David H. Barad discusses fertility options for male same-sex couples, including egg donation and options/limitations regarding surrogates (gestational carriers). Learn more about fertility services for same sex couples at:
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Fertility Options for Lesbian Couples: IVF, IUI & Sperm Donation

The Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. David H. Barad discusses fertility options for female same-sex couples wishing to have a baby, including sperm donation. Learn more about fertility services for lesbian couples at
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LGBT Fertility Options: Traveling to CHR From Overseas for Fertility Treatment

The Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. David H. Barad discusses legal rights for LGBT couples regarding sperm or egg donation, and how US law protects their choices. Learn more about LGBT fertility options in NYC at
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Fertility Options for LGBT Couples: Legal Aspects

The Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. David H. Barad explains international LGBT patients' legal rights in the US and in their home country. Learn more about legal aspects of LGBT fertility options at
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What is unexplained infertility?

What doctors call "unexplained infertility" usually turns out to be a perfectly explainable condition that was missed in initial tests. Low ovarian reserve, which varies by age and can be very subtle, is a frequent culprit of previously "unexplained" infertility. Learn more about unexplained infertility at:
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Unexplained Infertility: Success Rate at CHR

The Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. David H. Barad explains how most patients with "unexplained infertility" eventually get a definite diagnosis at CHR. CHR is able to do this by examing subtle, often overlooked factors. Learn more about unexplained infertility at:
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Tubal Factor Behind Unexplained Infertility

So-called "unexplained infertility" is sometimes a result of subtle problems with the fallopian tubes. Even experienced radiologists sometimes miss these subtle tubal issues. Dr. David H. Barad from New York fertility center, CHR, discusses diagnosis and solutions. Learn more about unexplained infertility at:
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Diminished ovarian reserve behind unexplained infertility

Hormonal factors (particularly AMH and FSH) can be a part of "unexplained infertility," but can be overlooked if the physician doesn't review the values in an age-specific way, says Dr. David H Barad. Learn more about diminished ovarian reserve at:
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Sperm Issues Behind Unexplained Infertility

Like ovaries, semen changes over time, says the Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. David H. Barad. Important changes even within the "normal" range of sperm parameters sometimes cause "unexplained infertility." More about unexplained infertility at
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Should Patients Take a Break Between IVF Cycles?

The Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. David H. Barad encourages patients who have problems with ovarian response to do back-to-back IVF cycles. Watch to learn why, and read more at
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Why Back-to-Back IVF Cycles with DHEA Increase Egg Yields

The Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. David H. Barad explains how back-to-back IVF cycles with DHEA result in higher egg yields. Based on these research findings, CHR does not encourage patients to wait more than 100 days between cycles. Learn more about back-to-back IVF cycles at:
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How Gonadotropins Can Help Immature Eggs Develop

The Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. David H. Barad discusses how fertility-stimulating hormones called gonadotropins, used for ovulation induction in one IVF cycle can help immature eggs develop better for subsequent IVF cycles. Learn more about IVF cycles at:
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IVF Pregnancy Chances: Back-to-Back IVF Cycles vs. Cycles with Breaks

Dr. David H. Barad discusses a study at CHR: Patients who had multiple IVF cycles close together had more eggs compared to those who took breaks between cycles. Learn more about IVF at:
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How Back-to-Back IVF Cycles Result in Higher Egg Yields

The Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. David H. Barad explains that back-to-back IVF cycles can catch momentum from the previous cycle and carry it over to the current cycle. CHR encourages patients to start their second cycle within a 100-day window. Learn more about IVF at:
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Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS): Theoretical Attraction

The Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. David H. Barad explains Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS). PGS allows parents at risk of passing on a genetic condition to transfer only the embryos without that condition. Learn more about PGS at
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Preimplantation Genetic Screening: Technical Problems With Original PGS

The Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. David H. Barad explains the technical problems with the early versions of Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS) that led to false positives and lower pregnancy rates. Learn more about PGS at
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Giving Embryos a Chance: CHR's Approach to IVF without PGS

The Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. David H. Barad discusses how CHR gives embryos a "chance to prove themselves" without subjecting them to harm from potentially inaccurate PGS. Avoiding PGS has resulted in higher pregnancy rates and more healthy births at CHR. Learn more about PGS at:
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Low Functional Ovarian Reserve (LFOR): The Basics

The Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. David H. Barad explains that having low functional ovarian reserve (LFOR) is not the same as outright menopause. Women with low functional ovarian reserve (LFOR) cannot produce the quality or quantity of eggs typical for a woman in her age group, but they still have a good chance of pregnancy with appropriate treatment. Learn more about LFOR at:
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Diminished Ovarian Reserve/Low Functional Ovarian Reserve (DOR/LFOR): Every Follicle Counts

The Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. David H. Barad explains that "every follicle counts" for women with diminished ovarian reserve (also known as DOR, low functional ovarian reserve, or LFOR), who have a lower follicle count. Treatment must focus on maximizing the follicles that are still available. Learn more about LFOR at:
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DOR/Low Functional Ovarian Reserve (LFOR): Specialized Approach with Androgens

The Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. David H. Barad explains how women with diminished ovarian reserve (also known as DOR, low functional ovarian reserve, or LFOR) have very sensitive ovaries. CHR "pretreats" women with LFOR with supplements and medications to build up the momentum in the ovaries before an IVF cycle. Learn more about LFOR at:
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Why CHR Doesn't Use Birth Control Pills in Preparation for IVF

The Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. David H. Barad explains why CHR does not use birth control pills in women with low Functional ovarian reserve (LFOR) before an IVF cycle. Many centers use birth control pills to artificially "batch" patients' cycles, but the practice reduces pregnancy chances in women with LFOR. Learn more about LFOR at:
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Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS) Lowers Pregnancy Chances

The Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. David H. Barad discusses how patients can go through preimplantation genetic screening and end up with no embryo to transfer. CHR does not push patients to do PGS because even embryos with abnormal diagnosis can develop into normal, healthy babies. More about PGS at:
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Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS): Mechanisms & Limitations

The Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. David H. Barad explains the limitation of Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS). PGS often give false-positives because some cells of one embryo can be abnormal when others are normal. Learn more about PGS at:
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Why Abnormal Embryos Can Result in Healthy Pregnancies

The Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. David H. Barad explains that that the false positive rate of PGS and embryos' natural ability to correct chromosomal abnormalities means that many embryos that are being discarded after PGS as "abnormal" can grow into healthy, normal babies. Learn more about PGS at:
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FMR1 gene's control over ovarian reserve

The Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. David H. Barad explains how the FMR1 gene has an important function in controlling ovarian function, and certain forms of the gene lead to premature depletion of follicles in young women with POA. Learn more about the FMR1 gene at:
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What's a Normal FMR1 Range for Ovarian Reserve?

The Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. David H. Barad explains how abnormally long or short CGG repeats on the FMR1 gene can signal too-rapid egg loss and impaired fertility in young women. Learn more about the FMR1 gene at:
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Indiviualizing IVF Protocols for FMR1 Genotypes

The Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. David H. Barad discusses how CHR tailors fertility treatment for women based on their FMR1 genotypes. Different forms of FMR1 gene can signal potential problems with ovarian reserve and response to ovarian stimulation. Learn more about the FMR1 gene at
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Researching the Mechanism of FMR1 Gene's Control over Ovarian Function

The FMR1 gene clearly plays an important role in ovarian function. However, the Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. David H. Barad explains that exactly how the gene controls ovarian function is still being investigated in the laboratories at CHR and collaborating institutions. Learn more about the FMR1 gene at:
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Egg Retrieval for IVF in Women 43+: "Overcooked" Eggs are Common

Because the egg maturation process changes as women age, older women often have too many unhealthy eggs at egg retrieval during IVF cycles, explains Dr. David H. Barad of the Center for Human Reproduction. Learn more about egg retrieval at:
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Early Egg Retrieval Improves Egg & Embryo Quality in Older Women

The Center for Human Reproduction's early egg retrieval protocol addresses the special challenge that many women in their 40s face in IVF cycles: too many unhealthy eggs. Dr. David H. Barad explains. Learn more about pregnancy after 40 at:
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CHR Treats Patients With Past Failed IVF Cycles

The Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. David H. Barad explains that most of the patients have already undergone unsuccessful IVF cycles at other centers before they come for fertility treatment at CHR. Learn more about treatment after failed IVF at:
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IVF Failures From the "Assembly Line" Approach

The Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. David H. Barad explains that one common reason for failed IVF cycles at other centers is that the treatment is not tailored to the individual patient. Learn more about CHR's personalized treatment after failed IVF at:
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Learning From Failed IVF Cycles

The Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. David H. Barad explains that figuring out why a previous IVF treatment failed is key for helping the patient get pregnant in the next cycle. CHR does about 40% more testing than an average center to get to the bottom of the problem. Learn more about IVF cycles at:
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CHR's Approach to Overcoming Failed IVF

The Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. David H. Barad explains that fertility specialists at the CHR treat each patient as an individual case and encourage patients to think of each treatment cycle as a fresh start. Learn more about CHR's treatment after failed IVF at:
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How Thyroid Function Affects Fertilty

The Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. David H. Barad explains that the thyroid gland can have a profound impact on fertility. Learn more about Thyroid Disease and Infertility at:
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Normalizing Thyroid Function for IVF Success

Women with overactive or underactive thyroid need treatments to normalize their thyroid function for a successful IVF cycle, explains Dr. David H. Barad of the Center for Human Reproduction. Learn more about IVF cycles at:
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Thyroid Abnormalities Signal Immune Issues & Can Affect Fertility

Presence of thyroid antibodies can be a clue that there may be ovarian problems that require specific fertility treatment, says the Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. David H. Barad. Learn more:
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Thyroid Issues Affect Female Fertility

Normal thyroid function is important for ovulation and healthy pregnancy. Dr. David H. Barad explains how the Center for Human Reproduction normalizes thyroid function in women attempting pregnancies. Learn more about Thyroid Function at:
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Thyroid issues: What to ask your doctor

All women considering pregnancy should have a thyroid function test, says the Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. David H. Barad. Normal thyroid function is very much related to normal pregnancy. Most health issues are interrelated, and keeping the whole body in good balance will increase the chance of pregnancy. Learn more about thyroid issues & infertility at:
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Embryology Research at CHR

Research-driven fertility treatments that push the boundaries of what's possible distinguishes the Center for Human Reproduction from most other fertility centers, explains Dr. David Albertini. Learn more about research at CHR at:
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Recent Fertility Reseach Discoveries at CHR

Scientists focus on investigating the origins of the age-related genetic decline in eggs and embryos produced in IVF in the Center for Human Reproduction's embryology lab, explained by Dr. David Albertini. Learn more about CHR's research at
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CHR's Current Fertility Research Focus

Fertility research at the Center for Human Reproduction is focused on immunity, ovarian physiology, and genetics, as explained by Dr. David Albertini. Learn more about research at CHR at
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CHR's Innovations from Fertility Research

Laboratory research performed at the Center for Human Reproduction gives CHR physicians novel tools for accurate diagnosis and individualized treatments, says Dr. David Albertini. Learn more about CHR's research at
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Comparing Risk of Twin & Singleton Pregnancies from IVF

Having twins via IVF does not have any additional risk compared to two singleton pregnancies, according to Dr. Norbert Gleicher from the Center for Human Reproduction in New York. Learn more about twin pregnancies from IVF at:
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Single Embryo Transfer Reduces Pregnancy Rates

Elective single embryo transfer reduces pregnancy chances with IVF, says the Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. Norbert Gleicher. Learn more about CHR's opinion on elective single embryo transfer at:
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Twins Are Not Always an Adverse Outcome After IVF

Twin pregnancies are a perfectly fine outcome after IVF as long as the patient is healthy and willing to potentially have twins. Elective single embryo transfer may not be a good option for these patients, explains Dr. Norbert Gleicher of the Center for Human Reproduction. Learn more about twins with IVF at
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DHEA for low ovarian reserve: the first patient

A dozen years ago a 42-year-old patient with low functional ovarian reserve suddenly started producing high-quality eggs and embryos, says the Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. Norbert Gleicher. She had been secretly taking DHEA. The overwhelming success prompted an ongoing study of DHEA study by CHR, with ongoing success. More about DHEA at:
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Androgens & Egg Development: DHEA Study in Animals

Studies of DHEA in mice reveal, in contrast to our long-held belief that male hormones were bad for ovarian health, that a healthy level of androgens is essential in the early stages of follicle development, says the Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. Norbert Gleicher. Learn more about androgens at:
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Immature Eggs Benefit from Androgen Supplementation

Immature eggs can benefit from androgen supplementation months before ovulation, says the Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. Norbert Gleicher. The beneficial effects of androgen supplementation were not seen until six to eight weeks, because it takes 2-3 months for an immature egg to fully develop in the androgen-supplemented environment. Learn more about treatments for LFOR at:
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Patients Have the Right to Make Informed Decisions in IVF

Patients decide with physician's input between trying to increase pregnancy chances by transferring two or more embryos and reducing the risk of high-order multiples by transferring a single embryo at the Center for Human Reproduction, explains Dr. Norbert Gleicher. Learn more about IVF at
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DHEA: a patient-driven innovation

The use of DHEA supplements at CHR started in 2005 when a patient in her 40s, who had been producing unusable eggs, suddenly started producing high-quality eggs and embryos after secretly taking DHEA on her own, says the Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. Norbert Gleicher. The results encouraged CHR to investigate DHEA, which is now used in many IVF centers in the world. More information about DHEA at:
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DHEA: Androgen's Role in Egg Development

In contrast to what we used to believe, that male hormones were bad for ovarian health, studies of DHEA in mice revealed these androgens were essential in the early stages of follicle development, says the Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. Norbert Gleicher. Learn more about DHEA at:
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Early-Stage Eggs Can Benefit from Androgens/DHEA

Months before ovulation, early-stage eggs can benefit from androgen supplementation, says the Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. Norbert Gleicher. “Twelve years later, after our patient gave us this idea, we have a very good understanding of how DHEA works,” he says. “I think it’s made a tremendous contribution to our success.” Learn more about DHEA at:
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Questioning PGS

The Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. David H. Barad discusses preimplantation genetic screening (PGS), a procedure that's becoming popular among IVF centers. Despite technical improvements, PGS still doesn't make sense for a majority of patients, says Dr. Barad. More about PGS at:
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Dr. Barad on CHR's Fertility Research

The Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. David H. Barad discusses how small-scale, early-stage fertility research conducted at CHR bring about innovations that move the field forward. Learn more about CHR's infertility studies at:
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Ema's IVF Story: Interview with a Real In-Vitro Fertilization Patient

Embryologist Ema Lazzaroni-Tealdi at the Center for Human Reproduction recounts her experience with IVF for her autoimmune infertility with Dr. Gleicher. Learn more about CHR at:
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Repeated Miscarriages: When to Consult a Doctor

Multiple miscarriages may be a sign of treatable medical problems, and women should consult a specialist, according to Dr. Nobert Gleicher of the Center of Human Reproduction in New York. Learn more about Repeated Miscarriages at:
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Autoimmunity without Symptoms & Infertility

Even when symptom-free, autoimmunity can cause infertility and interfere with healthy pregnancy, according to Dr. Norbert Gleicher from the Center of Human Reproduction in New York. More about autoimmunity at:
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Reproduction as a Complex Immunological Process

Pregnancy chances and fertility can be affected by autoimmunity and problems with the immune system, according to Dr. Norbert Gleicher of the Center for Human Reproduction in New York. Learn more about autoimmunity & infertility at:
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How Autoimmunity Interferes with the Embryo Implantation Process

Autoimmune problems or activated immune systems can interfere with embryo implantation, leading to infertility or miscarriages, according to Dr. Norbert Gleicher of the Center for Human Reproduction in New York. Learn more about autimmunity as it relates to fertility at:
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Possible Signs of Autoimmune Infertility

Pregnancy chances and fertility can be affected by overactive immune system, including allergies and thyroid problems, according to Dr. Norbert Gleicher of the Center for Human Reproduction in New York. Learn more about Autoimmune Infertility at: Learn More:
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Premature Ovarian Aging (POA) Caused by an Autoimmune Attack on Ovaries

Premature ovarian aging (POA) can be caused by autoimmunity, which also causes repeat miscarriages and compromised egg quality/quantity, according to Dr. Norbert Gleicher of the Center for Human Reproduction in New York City. Learn more about autoimmune diseases and infertility at:
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Family History of Autoimmunity is a Fertility Risk Factor

Women with a family history of autoimmunity may be at risk of autoimmunity and related infertility, says the Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. Norbert Gleicher. Learn about autoimmunity & infertility at:
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Detecting Subclinical Autoimmunity in Fertility

A panel of laboratory tests to identify and address autoimmune issues in women seeking fertility treatments is used at the Center for Human Reproduction, explains Dr. Norbert Gleicher. Learn more about autoimmunity in fertility at:
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Proactive Fertility Treatments for Autoimmune Patients

Proactive treatment to address immune issues is crucial for women trying to conceive with autoimmunity or severe allergies, according to Dr. Norbert Gleicher of the Center for Human Reproduction in New York City. Learn more about Autoimmune Infertility at:
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Two Treatment Options for Autoimmune Infertility

When autoimmune infertility is present, the Center for Human Reproduction's physicians focuses on calming down the hyperactive immune system in women attempting IVF, explains Dr. Norbert Gleicher. Learn more about autoimmune infertility at:
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Adjusting Dosages to Control Existing Autoimmunity in Infertility Patients

Patients with autoimmunity and infertility receive thorough evaluation and individual attention at the Center for Human Reproduction in New York to increase IVF pregnancy chances, explains Dr. Norbert Gleicher. Learn more about autoimmunity & fertility at:
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Individualizing Fertility Treatments for Subclinical Autoimmunity

Autoimmune problems are identified and treated even before infertility treatments start, explains Dr. Norbert Gleicher of New York's Center for Human Reproduction. Learn more about autoimmunity & infertility at
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Female Fertility Declines With Age

Fertility declines with age, so it is important for women to get infertility treatment as soon as possible, according to Dr. Norbert Gleicher of the Center for Human Reproduction in New York. Learn about CHR's treatment options at:
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Why You Shouldn't Delay Infertility Treatment

Infertility is time-sensitive, and the sooner you start treatment, the better your outcome will be, according to the Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. Norbert Gleicher. Learn more about infertility treatment at:
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Do Not Postpone Infertility Treatment "Until FSH Improves"

Some IVF centers make patients wait until their "FSH improves" before starting treatment. According to the Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. Norbert Gleicher, this approach has no scientific backing. Learn more about infertility treatment at:
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Why You Shouldn't Cancel IVF Cycles Even When There Are Only Few Eggs

Many IVF centers cancel cycles if the follicle count is low. The Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. Norbert Gleicher argues that cancellation doesn't make sense unless there is a better protocol to use in the next attempt. Learn more about IVF at:
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Quick Treatment Leads to Better Results & Lower Cost

Receiving the "right" fertility treatment quickly means better results and lower cost, according to the Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. Norbert Gleicher. Learn more about infertility treatment at:
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Cost/Benefit Analysis of Fertility Treatments

Physicians help patients evaluate the true cost and benefit of different fertility treatment options at the Center for Human Reproduction, explains Dr. Norbert Gleicher. Learn more about fertility treatments at:
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Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) Has Lower Pregnancy Rates Than IVF

IVF is usually a better option because of its higher pregnancy rates compared to IUI, including in women over 40, explains Dr. Norbert Gleicher from the Center for Human Reproduction. Learn more about IVF at:
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Why In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is More Successful & Cost-Effective Than IUI

Thanks to the higher pregnancy rate compared to IUI, IVF can be a more cost-effective option for many patients, says the Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. Norbert Gleicher. Learn more:
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IVF is More Successful Than Tubal Catheterization

IVF has overtaken tubal catheterization as the first line of fertility treatment due to its much higher pregnancy rates, according to The Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. Norbert Gleicher. Learn more about IVF at:
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In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is Becoming the Primary Fertility Treatment

In vitro fertilization (IVF) has become the primary fertility treatment because of the high pregnancy chances, according to the Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. Norbert Gleicher. Learn more about IVF at
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Why "Additions" to IVF Are Often a Waste of Money

Additions to basic IVF cycles often add costs without a significant clinical benefit, cautions the Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. Norbert Gleicher. Learn more about IVF at:
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Blastocyst Culture in IVF Is Not for Everyone

Blastocyst stage transfer, an alternative to day 3 transfer in IVF, does not always benefit the patients, according to the Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. Norbert Gleicher. Learn more about blastocyst culture at:
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Repeated Miscarriages: Causes & Treatments

Multiple, later-stage miscarriages may be a sign of treatable medical problems, such as diabetes or autoimmunity, according to Dr. Norbert Gleicher of the Center of Human Reproduction in New York. Learn more about about repeated miscarriages at:
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Why Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is Second Best to IVF

Pregnancy rates for in vitro fertilization (IVF) patients are higher than those of intrauterine insemination (IUI) patients according to the Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. Norbert Gleicher. Learn more about IUI at:
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How Ineffective Fertility Treatments Become Popular

Published fertility research can be misleading if it selectively reports on the best-prognosis patients, says the Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. Norbert Gleicher. Learn more about infertility treatments at:
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Why Single Embryo Transfer in IVF Is Not for Everyone

Single embryo transfers are not always the best option because transferring more than one embryo increases pregnancy chances, says the Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. Norbert Gleicher. Learn more about IVF at:
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Weighing the Costs and Benefits of Fertility Treatment Options

Fertility treatments at the Center for Human Reproduction are always individualized for each patient, balancing the costs, risks and benefits of treatment options, says Dr. Norbert Gleicher. Learn more about fertility treatment costs at:
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Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS): Not Beneficial for Most Patients

Preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) is costly and usually unnecessary, if not outright harmful, according to the Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. Norbert Gleicher. Learn more about PGS screening at:
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In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is Better than IUI for Older Women

IUI is much less effective than IVF in older women, according to the Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. Norbert Gleicher. Learn more about IUI at:
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Embryoscopy: Another IVF "Fad"?

The effectiveness of embryoscopy is still in question because it isn't known whether it actually improves pregnancy chances, explains Dr. Norbert Gleicher of the Center for Human Reproduction. Learn more about embryoscopy at
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Manual Embryo Handling Appears Superior to Automated

Newer-generation embryology equipments like Embryoscope do not appear to improve embryo quality or IVF pregnancy rates, explains the Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. Norbert Gleicher. Learn more about embryoscopy at:
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What CHR Embryologists Say About Embryoscopy

Newer-generation embryology equipment may improve an IVF center's pregnancy rates only if its embryology laboratory was not high-performing to begin with, according to the Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. Norbert Gleicher. Learn more about embryoscopy at:
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Embryo Handling in the CHR Lab

Highly trained embryologists process eggs, sperm, and embryos individually with great care at the Center for Human Reproduction, explains Dr. Norbert Gleicher. Learn more about embryoscope at:
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Welcome Remark - Foundation for Reproductive Medicine's Conference 2016

A welcome message, from Dr. Norbert Gleicher, to 2016's Foundation for Reproductive Medicine Conference. More information on CHR at:
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Personalized, World-class Infertility Care at CHR

We're the Center for Human Reproduction (CHR), a leading fertility center located in New York City. Over the past 35 years, we've gained a worldwide reputation as the “fertility center of last resort.” When women have tried everything, and when everything else has failed, they come to us. And regardless of the difficulty of their infertility issues, we work with them. Find out what CHR can do for you. More information at CHR at:
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Trophectoderm Biopsy & New PGS

The Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. David H. Barad explains the new form of PGS with trophectoderm biopsy performed on day-5 embryos (blastocysts). Though considered technically superior to the original PGS, there are unanswered questions about whether the new PGS is accurate, and whether it improves IVF outcomes. Learn more about PGS at:
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PGS is Harmful for Women with Low Ovarian Reserve

The Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. David H. Barad explains why attempting preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) actually does more harm than good for women with low functional functional ovarian reserve (LFOR). Learn more about PGS at:
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What to Do When Diagnosed with LFOR

The Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. David H. Barad explains that women with low functional ovarian reserve (LFOR) need to make sure that they are not being treated like every other patient in the IVF center. With cautious treatments using higher doses of medication and pre-cycle treatments, many women with LFOR can still conceive with their own eggs. Learn more about treatment for LFOR at:
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Why Patients Choose CHR

Patients with diminished ovarian reserve (DOR), either because they are over age 40 or because they are young but have premature ovarian aging (POA), often seek out CHR for its focused, research-driven expertise. Dr. Norbert Gleicher, CHR's Medical Director, explains that IVF protocols designed specifically for patients with DOR are often not available at IVF centers, and that is why many long-distance patients come to CHR for their fertility treatments.
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Early Egg Retrieval Triples IVF Pregnancy Rates for Young DOR Patients

Retrieving eggs early in an IVF cycle vastly improves pregnancy rates for young women with diminished ovarian reserve (DOR), according to a new study from CHR, a fertility center in New York City. Dr. Norbert Gleicher, CHR's Medical Director, explains how the early retrieval protocol, developed at CHR, works, and why this approach might improve pregnancy chances DOR.
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Double the IVF Pregnancy Rates: Early Egg Retrieval for Women 43+

CHR's research found that retrieving eggs early in an IVF cycle, when they are still in the 14-18 mm range, vastly improves egg/embryo quality and pregnancy rates for women over 43. D.r Norbert Gleicher, CHR's Medical Director, explains why egg quality is better and pregnancy rates higher when eggs are retrieved earlier in women over 43 who are undergoing IVF cycles. Learn more about early egg retrieval at:
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Don't Be Too Discouraged by a Poor IVF Prognosis

Many couples come to CHR, a specialized fertility center in New York City, after being told that their chance of achieving a pregnancy with IVF is less than 1% if they wanted to get pregnant with their own eggs. Dr. Norbert Gleicher, CHR's Medical Director, explains that this "less than 1%" prognosis is often far too low an estimate, as long as patients can still produce a few embryos in an IVF cycle. At CHR, even women over 42 and 43 still have 5-7% chance of pregnancy if they have 2-3 embryos for transfer. Learn more about infertility treatments:
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Patient Testimonial: Meet Sara, a Proud CHR "Graduate"

Meet a proud "graduate" of CHR, who describes her experience undergoing IVF at CHR. Learn more about becoming a CHR patient at:
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Patient Testimonial: First Consultation with Dr. Gleicher

Sara, a proud "graduate" of CHR, describes the first steps in her fertility journey. Her first consultation was with Dr. Gleicher, CHR's medical director, he had "conclusions and thoughts that other doctors hadn't discussed," says Sara. Learn more about becoming a patient at
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Patient Testimonial: Going through IVF Cycles at CHR

Sara, a proud "graduate" of CHR, describes what it's like to go through IVF cycles at CHR. Coordinators and front desk staff answered her "gazillion questions," and overall, there was a "team," which was really comforting," says Sara. Learn more about becoming a patient at
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Patient Testimonial: Light after a Dark Tunnel

Sara, a proud "graduate" of CHR, describes the emotional turmoil of infertility and fertility treatments. After several attempts at IVF, Sara now has two beautiful boys, and says she wants to give back by supporting women going through the same experience. Learn more about becoming a patient at:
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Focus on Recurrent Miscarriage Phenotypes

Multiple, later-stage miscarriages may be a sign of treatable medical problems, such as diabetes or autoimmunity. Dr. David Barad discusses efforts to understand and treat recurrent miscarriages, for the medical journal fertility & sterility. Learn about recurrent miscarriages at:
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Benefits of DHEA in IVF

At the Center for Human Reproduction, a top NYC IVF clinic, DHEA supplementation has major clinical benefits. Dr. Nobert Gleicher discusses those benefits and the better pregnancy rates that follow. Learn about DHEA at:
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Direct Testosterone Supplementation: An Alternative to DHEA

In cases where DHEA cannot be administered to raise testosterone levels, testosterone can be administered directly. IVF clinic CHR's Dr. Norbert Gleicher speaks about the alternative treatment here. More information on DHEA at
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How CHR Uses DHEA Supplementation in Infertility Treatment

CHR's Dr. Nobert Gleicher explains how the NYC fertility clinic uses DHEA to treat low functional ovarian reserve. More information on DHEA at:
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DHEA is Used in IVF Centers All Over the World

DHEA is now used in 1/3 of all IVF centers in the world. In this video, CHR's Dr. Norbert Gleicher explains how DHEA became so popular and why it's used. More information about DHEA at:
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How DHEA Works: Testosterone, Adrenal Function & Egg Quality

DHEA is an extremely popular supplement that helps increase live-birth rates. In this video, NYC IVF doctor Dr. Nobert Gleicher explains how DHEA works. Learn more about DHEA at:
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Adrenal Insufficiency Causes Low Testosterone & Androgen Levels

Through CHR's research, we've learned the cause of "lean" PCOS patients losing testosterone and androgen levels. In this video, Dr. Gleicher talks about the results of the research CHR has performed on the subject. For more information on PCOS, visit CHR online at:
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Differences Between the Two Main PCOS Phenotypes

PCOS is the leading cause of infertility. In this video, CHR's Dr. Norbert Gleicher explains PCOS and the difference between the "lean" and "classical" phenotypes. For more information on PCOS, read here:
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"Lean" PCOS Patients in their 30s

In this video, Dr. Gleicher discusses the change women with "lean" PCOS see in their 30s, including a drop in androgen and AMH levels. To read more about PCOS, visit CHR online at:
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Why Raising Testosterone Levels in "Lean" PCOS Patients Improves Fertility

"Lean" PCOS can see a decline in their AMH & androgen levels as they get older. In this video, Dr. Gleicher explains how that change happens. To learn more about PCOS, visit Center for Human Reproduction online at:
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High FSH and High AMH: Fertility Insights Webcast

This webcast, presented by Norbert Gleicher, MD, Medical Director and Chief Scientist of CHR, discusses a recent paper by investigators at the the CHR, which was published in the esteemed medical journal Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. The study reported that women with the somewhat unusual combination of high FSH and high AMH levels had four times more eggs retrieved, and were almost twice as likely to get pregnant after IVF, than women with all other FSH/AMH combinations. The webcast provides an overview of the findings and explains what various FSH and AMH levels, combined, may mean to women who are trying to get pregnant. Learn more about high FSH at:
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Do Not Use PGS for Donor IVF

The Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. David H. Barad explains why attempting preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) actually does more harm than good for women with low functional ovarian reserve (LFOR). Learn more about PGS at:
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New Hope for IVF-PGS Patients: New York Magazine Article

New York Magazine's "The Abnormal Embryos That Aren't" is the first article in a major publication that directly deals with the dubious promise of preimplantation genetic screening (PGS). The thoroughly researched piece by Stephen Hall ushers in a light of hope to IVF patients who thought they'd hit an insurmountable wall on their journey to parenthood after all their embryos were deemed "abnormal" by PGS. Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. Gleicher explains.
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Almost 48-Year-Old Woman Delivers a Baby after IVF with Her Own Eggs

Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. Gleicher reports on the (likely) world's oldest IVF pregnancy with patient's own eggs that recently resulted in the birth of a healthy baby. The patient was almost 48 years old when she had her embryo transfer.
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Reproductive Immunology Initiative at CHR: Announcement

Center for Human Reproduction's Dr. Norbert Gleicher announces the new Reproductive Immunology Initiative, aiming to refine the understanding of immunological factors involved in infertility and revolutionize the clinical treatments available to women with immune-related infertility problems.
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Welcome to CHR: One of the World's Most Advanced Fertility Clinics

Dr. Norbert Gleicher, medical director & chief scientist at the CHR, gives a brief overview of CHR history, as one of the first IVF clinics in the US and pioneers of DHEA to combat infertility. He also provides insight into the strides CHR made in the field of fertility, in the past and present. For more info on CHR, please visit
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An Affordable Egg Freezing Program from a Fertility Center with Decades of Experience

CHR's Medical Director Dr. Norbert Gleicher gives us a little insight into CHR's new egg freezing program. Learn more about egg freezing in NYC here: Where you freeze your eggs matters! Manhattan-based CHR has 30+ years of experience in fertility care in New York City.
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Detect Premature Ovarian Aging Before it Happens: 1/10 Women Will Lose Eggs Quicker Than They Shoul

What's My Fertility by CHR is a way for younger women to detect fertility problems, including premature ovarian aging or low ovarian reserve, before they try to get pregnant. This helps inform a woman's decision to freeze eggs. Learn more about the program here:
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Time Is of the Essence When it Comes to Fertility Treatments

If you're considering fertility treatment or fertility preservation, know that starting early can make a huge difference. Learn more about CHR's fertility treatments here:
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The HIER Egg Retrieval Method Helped a 48-Year-Old Patient Get Pregnant at CHR

In this video, Dr. Gleicher discusses CHR's HIER (highly individualized egg retrieval) method, which is helping more women age 43+ getting pregnant with their own eggs. Learn more about IVF here:
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What You Need to Know Before Freezing Your Eggs

Before you freeze your eggs, research the centers you're considering. Are they well equipped to thaw your eggs out too? Learn more about our egg freezing program here:
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CHR Isn't Just One of the World's Leading Infertility Clinics - We're a Research Center, Too

CHR may be best-known for their clinical fertility practice, but research conducted at our center has had an enormous impact on the infertility field. Learn more about CHR here:
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Video Newsletter: Is it Time to Start Fertility Treatments?

When it comes to a successful pregnancy, time may be one of the most important factors. Learn more about fertility treatments at:
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Fresh vs. Frozen Embryo Transfer: Which is Better for Older Patients?

Learn more about frozen embryo transfer: Standard IVF practice has assumed that "fresh is better than frozen," but some fertility centers are proposing that all embryos be frozen before transfer. CHR disagrees - learn why. For patients with diminished ovarian reserve, or older patients attempting to get pregnant after 40, fresh is better.
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Improving Pregnancy Chances with New Rescue IVM (In-Vitro Maturation) Process

Dr. Gleicher explains CHR's practice of retrieving eggs early to avoid "overcooking" and their success with a new Rescue In-Vitro Maturation method. Learn more about getting pregnant with your own eggs here: CHR is a fertility center in New York that offers fertility treatments for women of advanced maternal age.
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What is Ovarian Rejuvenation? Understanding CHR's New Study

Understanding Ovarian Rejuvenation treatments and how they can help women of advanced maternal age achieve pregnancy. Learn more about CHR's new Mechanical Ovarian Rejuvenation Study CHR is a fertility center in New York that offers fertility treatments for women of advanced maternal age.
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First Egg Cell Successfully Reaches Full Maturity in Lab

Dr. David Albertini explains his contribution to a study documenting the first time a primitive egg cell was taken to maturity within a lab. While clinical application is still years away, this is a fertility breakthrough. To learn more about CHR's cutting-edge research into fertility preservation, please visit:
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Do You Know Where Your Embryos Are? A Solution for Abandoned Embryos

Dr. Gleicher discusses what happens after a family attempts to get pregnant and has leftover embryos in storage. When the owners of an embryo do not respond to communications for 5 years or more, the embryo is considered "abandoned" and can then be discarded by the storing center. CHR proposes the creation of non-profit embryo banks where the abandoned embryos can be used for scientific research that would advance infertility treatment technology. To learn more about CHR's embryo freezing program, please visit:
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About Egg Donation: Knowing Whether Donor Eggs are Right for You

Learn more about egg donation at CHR: Dr. Norbert Gleicher explains the different types of egg donation, how to make your choice, and the criteria CHR uses for selecting egg donors candidates.
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CHR's 2017 IVF Outcomes

CHR had a great year of IVF outcomes in 2017! Our patient population increased, and we had two patients aged 48 conceive with their own eggs--the oldest we've ever recorded. To learn more about the cases that CHR sees or our pregnancy rates, please see:
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Affordable Egg Donation With CHR's Eco Donor Egg Program (EcoDEP)

In this video, Dr. Gleicher explains CHR's Eco Donor Egg Program at CHR. Eggs from prior cycles with CHR's approved egg donors are frozen and are able to be purchased by those looking to conceive with donor eggs. Learn more about the program at:
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Ovarian Rejuvenation Study: Using PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) to treat Premature Ovarian Failure

Dr. David Barad explains CHR's Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) clinical trial in New York City: In this video, he explains the qualifications for participating in the trial, the procedure itself, monitoring post-procedure, and more. Additionally, women who do not qualify for the study can undergo PRP outside of the trial. Contact CHR online or call us at (212) 994-4400 or (212) 933-5700 to learn more:
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Should You Take Nutritional Supplements for Fertility?

Dr. Gleicher discusses CHR's position on nutritional supplements, vitamins, herbs and other over-the-counter "fertility enhancers." It's important to keep in mind that many supplements are really only necessary when a patient demonstrates abnormal levels and the substantial expense this regimen can add to an already expensive treatment plan. To read more tips from CHR for taking supplements safely, please visit:
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What Are the Alternatives to Egg Freezing?

Egg freezing has become a hot topic in recent years, but it's important to keep in mind other solutions. Dr. Gleicher describes some other potentially more successful alternatives to egg-freezing and fertility preservation. Learn more about the different fertility preservation methods at CHR on our website:
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Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment for Ovarian Rejuvenation: Does it Work?

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) treatments for premature ovarian aging are increasingly being offered to patients who may not understand the lack of research behind it. Dr. Gleicher explains the existing scientific literature behind PRP and CHR's new study. Find out more here:
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Hypo-Androgenic PCOS: Is This Your Diagnosis?

High AMH (relative to age or FSH levels), large egg production of low quality, auto-immune abnormalities, and low androgen levels (accompanied by high SHBJ) can all indicate hypo-androgenic PCOS. Speak to your doctor if you are facing any of these circumstances in conjunction with multiple failed IVF and IUI cycles. More information can be found on our website:
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About PCOS: Low Androgen Levels Can Lead to Female Infertility

Do you have high levels of AMH (Anti-Mullerian Hormone) relative to your age or corresponding FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) levels? In this video, Dr. Gleicher, from CHR, describes a new phenotype for Hypo-androgenic PCOS and what fertility specialists should consider when treating patients with low androgen PCOS. For more information, read about PCOS on our website:
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Does What You Eat Affect Your Fertility? About Fertility & Diet

How does fast food consumption affect your fertility? Can more fruit help you conceive faster? Dr. Gleicher breaks down new findings that connect nutrition to fertility outcomes. Read more on our website:
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Should You Tell Your Child They Are a Product of Gamete or Embryo Donation?

The decision to tell your children that they were a product of gamete (eggs or sperm) or embryo donation is a personal one to be made by the parent(s). However, genetic testing is becoming increasingly popular in our culture-- raising many questions for parents who wish to keep this information from their children. CHR believes in the parents' right to discretion, but is also dedicated to informing prospective parents about popular trends and their potential impact. If you would like to learn more about gamete/embryo donation, please visit our website:
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Perché i pazienti italiani vengono al CHR di New York per trattamenti di fertilità

Molti pazienti italiani con problemi di fertilità arrivano fino a New York per ricevere trattamenti innovativi nel campo della riproduzione basati sulla ricerca al fine di espandere le proprie famiglie. Emanuela Lazzaroni-Tealdi, MS, supervisore del laboratorio di PMA al Center for Human Reproduction (CHR - spiega quali vantaggi hanno i pazienti ad essere seguiti dalla competenza clinica e di laboratorio del CHR. Embriologa senior di origini italiane, Ema aiuta i pazienti a navigare ed intraprendere il complesso percorso della fecondazione in vitro ed altre forme di procreazione medicalmente assistita.
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CHR's Contributions to Academic Journals- PGS and Advanced Maternal Age

Dr. Norbert Gleicher, MD, discusses the exciting research updates and journal publications for the Center For Human Reproduction that occurred during the summer. Learn more about CHR's work to evaluate PGS (Pre-implantation Genetic Screening), cases of women 43+ who successfully conceived with their own eggs, and other fertility updates in our October 2018 CHR VOICE newsletter:
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What Do We Know About the Embryo Implantation Process?

When an embryo is not able to properly implant into the uterine wall, this is called implantation failure. In this video, Dr. Gleicher explains the process of implantation and what this knowledge means for infertility treatment. Learn more about this process on CHR's website:
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Rethinking Implantation Failure: CHR's Approach

What are the real causes of implantation failure? There are many theories about why a woman may have trouble achieving implantation of an embryo in her uterus, but CHR is rethinking the traditional therapeutic approach to these cases. Read more about CHR's treatment methods here:
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Trattamenti di fertilità a CHR per pazienti italiani: Emanuela Lazzaroni spiega

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Age: The Most Important Predictor for Fertility Treatment Success

A woman is born with a finite number of eggs for her lifespan. As she ages, she produces fewer eggs that are of good quality. CHR is here to help women of advanced maternal age conceive with their own eggs, or if that is no longer possible, with donor eggs. Learn more about conceiving with your own eggs at CHR:
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What Can You do to Increase Your Chances of Success in Fertility Treatment?

Patients ask time and time again what they can do to increase their chances of success during fertility treatment. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do beyond what CHR will already ask you to do. In this video, Dr. Gleicher explains what to look out for and what to avoid. More information at CHR's website:
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Natural Killer Cells: What are they and How do they Affect Fertility Treatment?

Many women who have auto-immune, hyper-allergenic sensitivities, and/or conditions that cause excessive inflammation may have an hyper-active immune system-- causing them to experience implantation failures, chemical pregnancies, and even miscarriages. Natural killer (NK) cells are a symptom of this hyper-active immune system. Learn more about our approach at our website:
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Discussing the Risks of Pregnancy with Advanced Maternal Age

Dr. Gleicher discusses some of the physical challenges for older women who carry a pregnancy. CHR believes this shouldn't discourage you from trying to conceive, but rather that you choose a clinic that assesses your entire medical history before treatment. Any existing conditions that could interfere with the pregnancy should be recognized and addressed before fertility treatment. Learn more about treatment at CHR here:
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Why Did My Donor Egg IVF Cycle Fail?

Donor eggs are the best option for older women interested in getting pregnant with IVF, but what happens when the first donor cycle fails? Dr. Gleicher explains why you shouldn't worry if your first cycle fails and how the statistics are on your side. Learn more about CHR's donor egg program here:
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What Not to Worry About Between Embryo Transfer and Pregnancy Test

CHR understands how stressful the wait time between embryo transfer day and the pregnancy test can be. In this video, Dr. Gleicher answers common questions and concerns from women during this time period. Visit our website to read more about our approach to treating patients at CHR:
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Chosen with Care: How CHR's Donor Egg Pool Compares to Egg Donor Agencies

Have you ever wondered about the difference between the egg donors available in CHR's donor pool and egg donors available at other egg donor agencies? In this video, we discuss CHR's established track record in egg donation and our approach to our donor pool. Find out more about our programs and check out our donor egg pool here:
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PGS and PGT-A: Why You Should Be Cautious About Genetic Testing

Dr. Gleicher explains the importance of understanding the different kinds of genetic testing and how they can affect your fertility chances. Despite the frequency of genetic testing available today, we should all be careful about how we use our genetic material. Read more at our website:
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How Does the Flu Shot Affect Fertility Treatment?

As flu season arrives, Dr. Gleicher urges everyone to get their flu shot and discusses a new study to take place at CHR. This IRB- approved study will look at the effects of the flu shot on the immune systems of pregnant women. Visit our website for more information about this study or about CHR's programs:
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Researching PRP and Ovarian Rejuvenation in Fertility Treatment

Can platelet-rich plasma (PRP) improve the function of the ovaries? Due to a lack of available clinical evidence, CHR has launched a new study to test the effects of PRP on ovarian function and ovulation. To learn more about diminished ovarian reserve and getting pregnant after 40, visit our website:
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Hope After a Failed Ovulation Induction: A New Study at CHR

Dr. Barad explains a scenario we've witnessed here at CHR where some women produce follicles after discontinuing induction medications. Learn more about the new "Rebound" study and CHR's approach to IVF here:
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Treat the Cause of High FSH-- Not Just the Symptom

FSH levels are a symptom of a larger problem: ovarian insufficiency. Don't delay fertility treatment when you have high FSH levels. Learn more on our website:
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Published IVF Success Rates And Why They Vary

Not all published IVF success rates reflect the same information. In this video, Dr. Gleicher explains why you should be cautious when researching center success rates and make sure that you're paying attention to the "intent to treat" numbers, not just the live birth rates. For more information and to see CHR's success rates, visit our website:
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Comparing Antral Follicle Count to Other Ovarian Reserve Testing

Antral follicle count is another measure of a woman's overall fertility, or "ovarian reserve." Watch Dr. Gleicher discuss this kind of testing, as well as how antral follicle count compares to FSH and AMH testing. To learn more about fertility testing options and CHR's approach, visit our website:
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IVF With Frozen Embryos Isn't Best For Everyone

All frozen IVF, or IVF performed with frozen embryos, is quickly becoming one of the most popular procedures advertised by other fertility centers. Listen to Dr. Gleicher explain why embryo freezing isn't necessary, or even recommended, for everyone. Visit our website to learn more about CHR's IVF protocols:
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Why You Should Be Skeptical About New PGT-A Testing Methods

Dr. Gleicher discusses the introduction of a new preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (PGT-A/PGS) method that uses cell-free DNA. Not all forms of genetic embryo testing are right for everyone. Learn more here:
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What is DHEA?

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a hormone that assists women with the production of testosterone. Watch Dr. Gleicher explain the history of DHEA and its application in fertility treatment. For more information about DHEA treatment, please visit:
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How CoQ10 and Mitochondrial Function Can Affect Egg Production

CoQ10 is an antioxidant that helps cells to efficiently carry out their functions. Learn more about how this supplement works with the mitochondria of cells and how it can be used to affect fertility treatments in older women. Learn more on our website:
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Don't Give Up On "Poor Quality" Eggs

With decades of experience performing IVF, CHR has become one of the best laboratories for understanding what makes a good embryo. Watch Dr. Gleicher explain our approach to egg selection and what egg quality means during IVF. Learn more:
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Beware of Fake News In Medical Reporting

Often, the information that we see in the media about health and medicine is not well-vetted or understood before being pushed out to the public. Dr. Gleicher explains what you can do to stay informed and not buy-in to the hype. Get the latest, most reliable, fertility news from CHR:
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CONVERSATIONS AT CHR: Breast Cancer Risk After Recent Childbirth

What is the connection between pregnancy and risk for breast cancer? In the past, studies determined that women who have children have a lower breast cancer risk than those who don't have children, but a new paper is changing our understanding of this connection. Learn more about our center:
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Why Mini-IVF is Not as Successful as Standard Cycle IVF

A new kind of mild-stimulation "mini-IVF" performed with Clomid has recently become popular at many clinics around the world. In this video, Dr. Gleicher debunks claims that these cycles are more effective and less expensive than standard IVF cycles that utilize Gonadotropin. Learn more about IVF at CHR here:
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CHR's Program for Single Mothers Seeking Fertility Treatment

If you are interested in becoming a single mother through fertility treatment, know that CHR supports your decision and is here to serve as a resource for your journey. In this video, Dr. Gleicher explains that all women should see a fertility specialist before trying other methods of getting pregnant on their own. More information about our programs for single parents on our website:
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How PCOS Affects Egg Quality

CHR treats some of the most difficult infertility cases and we have noticed that many of our PCOS patients aren't the "classical" PCOS phenotype, but rather, something called a "lean" PCOS phenotype. In this video, Dr. Gleicher explains the difference between the two and how they can affect egg quality throughout the lifespan. For more information about our PCOS treatment programs, visit our website:
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Understanding the Role of DHEA in Women's Sexual Health

After 15 years of using DHEA to treat infertility in pre-menopausal women, our physicians at CHR began to notice a trend among our patients-- increased sexual desire while taking DHEA. Watch Dr. Gleicher explain CHR's research on the subject and the use of DHEA for women's sexual health. Learn more on our website:
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What Are the Side Effects of DHEA?

CHR's doctors have experience treating thousands of women with DHEA and have found few side effects related to its use. In this video, Dr. Gleicher discusses those side effects, and why you should speak with your physician before supplementing on your own. Learn more about DHEA by visiting our website:
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What Do Epigenetics Mean for Donor Egg Recipients?

Epigenetics is a very new field that examines how a person's environment and their genes work together to determine health outcomes. In this video, Dr. Gleicher explains why it is relevant for fertility treatment (specifically for donor eggs) and pregnancy. Learn more about this topic on CHR's website:
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Do Inositol Supplements Improve Egg Quality?

Myoinositol, or Inositol, is a supplement that is often used for to treat fertility problems in some women with PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), however, it can actually work against a patient if they don't actually need it. In this video, Dr. Gleicher describes how CHR uses Inositol and urges all women to speak to their doctor before starting a supplement regimen for fertility. Learn more about fertility treatment at CHR here:
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What is Amenorrhea?

In this video, Dr. Barad discusses different kinds of menstrual dysfunction including Amenorrhea. CHR urges you to see a doctor as soon as possible if you begin to notice changes in your menstrual cycle, as that can often be a marker for other health problem. Learn more on our website:
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Overcoming Poor Response to IVF Stimulation

Don't be discouraged if you show signs of poor response to IVF stimulation. At CHR, we work with you to understand why you aren't producing enough follicles and ultimately find a solution that can work for you. Learn more about our use of follicle stimulating hormone, DHEA, by visiting our website:
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Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) and Fertility

In this video, Dr. Barad explains what anti-mullerian hormone is, how it relates to fertility, what AMH levels mean, and how CHR treats women who present with low AMH levels while trying to conceive. Learn more about our treatment programs here:
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CONVERSATIONS AT CHR: Study on PRP for Ovarian Rejuvenation

Drs. Norbert Gleicher and David H. Barad discuss CHR's recent study on PRP (platelet-rich plasma) for ovarian rejuvenation, which could theoretically improve the function of the ovaries and help women with DOR conceive. CHR's study, which started in 2018, is ongoing. Learn more here:
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How Many Eggs Should You Freeze?

While there is no way to guarantee that frozen eggs will end up in a successful pregnancy, there are some guidelines you can follow to improve your chances. Watch Dr. Barad explain in this video, or visit our website to learn more about egg freezing:
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CONVERSATIONS AT CHR: Blastocyst Stage Culture in IVF

When should blastocyst stage culture be used in IVF? What is blastocyst stage culture? Watch this video to learn more about this important concept in IVF and meet another important member of the CHR team, Dr. Pasquale. For more information, visit our website for more information about our IVF program:
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Is Egg Freezing Best For You? Understanding Egg Freezing Risks and Alternatives

How can you be sure that egg freezing is right for you? How can you be confident in your egg freezing clinic and storage? Watch Dr. Barad discuss CHR's egg freezing program and what other alternatives you have. Learn more about fertility preservation at CHR here:
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How Does Egg Freezing Work?

Have you ever wondered how egg freezing works? Watch this video for a scientific explanation and a short summary of fertility preservation through egg freezing and sperm freezing. For more information about CHR's egg freezing programs, visit our website:
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What is Premature Ovarian Failure (POF)?

Many people aren't sure exactly what premature ovarian failure, or POF, is and how it compares to POI/POA? In this video, Dr. Barad discusses this POF, what it is, who it affects, and what you need to know about it. To learn more about CHR and our treatments for premature ovarian failure, visit our website:
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CHR's Long Distance Patients

Women from all over the world come to CHR for treatment. They do this specifically for CHR's reputation as a "clinic of last resort," but also when working with a specialist that cannot provide certain treatment or oversight locally. Watch this video with Dr. Barad for more information about our long distance patients. To learn more about CHR's programs, visit our website:
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What Do Your Fertility Test Results Mean?

In this video, Dr. Barad explains what FSH, AMH, and other common fertility markers mean and how to understand your test results. To learn more about CHR's fertility testing services, visit our website:
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When Should You Freeze Your Eggs?

In order to achieve your best fertility chances in the future, it's best to freeze your eggs as soon as possible. However, there are reasons to attempt to freeze eggs later in life. Watch Dr. Barad discuss when you should freeze your eggs and other circumstances that can affect fertility preservation. Visit our website for more about who should freeze their eggs:
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Can CoQ10 Help Women Conceive?

CoQ10 helps the body build up a substance called ATP that helps to power cells, but how does that help women to conceive? In this video, Dr. Barad explains the role of CoQ10, potential benefits, and medical recommendations for taking CoQ10 during fertility treatment. For more information about CoQ10, visit our website:
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The Science Behind Fertility Testing

Some women experience premature ovarian aging, or decreased ovarian function at a younger age. If they would like to have children in the future, it's crucial that these women get screened as soon as possible. Watch this video for more information about the data (AMH, FSH, FMR1, etc.) that CHR uses to evaluate fertility in women. For more information about diagnosing POA, visit our website:
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If I Use Donor Eggs, Is My Child Really Mine? | Center for Human Reproduction in New York City

CHR has one of the world’s largest and most ethnically and religiously-diverse egg donor databases in the world. To learn more about our egg donation program in New York City, click here:
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Obesity and IVF: How Weight Affects Women's Fertility

Being obese can reduce your chances at conceiving spontaneously and through IVF. Many physicians first recommend that their obese patients lose weight in order to solve their fertility issues, however, this may not always be the correct recommendation. Learn more about CHR's individualized approach to obesity and IVF by visiting our website:
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CONVERSATIONS AT CHR: Abnormal Embryos During IVF

When undergoing IVF, many couples receive news, after preimplantation genetic testing, that their embryos are considered "abnormal." In this video, Dr. Barad and Dr. Gleicher discuss this process, what that means, CHR's approach to these cases, and what you should do if this happens to you. Learn more about the Center For Human Reproduction and their PGT/PGTA processes here:
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What is IVF "Rebound"? Examining Follicle Response After Failed IVF Stimulation

Watch Dr. Barad describe and explain CHR's observations of patients who achieved successful retrieval and embryo transfer after a round of failed IVF stimulation medication. CHR continues to study this phenomenon in women who are committed to getting pregnant with their own eggs. Learn more on the CHR website:
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Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy is Harmful for Poor-Prognosis IVF Patients

The use of preimplantation genetic screening for aneuploidy (PGT-A)has been shown to produce significant false positives. Watch Dr. Gleicher explain how embryos can "self-correct" and why PGT-A is not recommended by CHR physicians (especially in poor-prognosis patients). Learn more by visiting our website:
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Preventing Early Miscarriages at 6 to 8 Weeks

Miscarriages are a relatively common occurrence, affecting nearly 15% of all pregnancies, but why do miscarriages occur? Dr. Norbert Gleicher discusses the possible causes and treatments that can help prevent early miscarriages at 6 to 8 weeks. Visit the CHR website to learn more:
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Causes of Early Miscarriages at 6 to 8 Weeks

Early miscarriages at 6-8 weeks have different causes than miscarriages that happen later in the pregnancy. In this video, Dr. Gleicher discusses how recent data that uses more modern genetic diagnostic tools has been able to provide new insight into the causes of early miscarriages. For more information, visit our website:
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Is Vaping Safe When Trying to Become Pregnant?

Is vaping safe to do while you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant? In this video, Dr. Gleicher discusses how recently, the public opinion on vaping has radically changed. An increased number of health consequences and deaths have been linked to vaping in recent months, and vaping can have a negative effect on fertility either while pregnant or when trying to become pregnant. Visit the CHR website to learn more:
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Is Smoking Marijuana Advisable for Fertility Patients?

Over the past few years, marijuana has become more readily available and legalized in certain states. In this video, Dr. Gleicher discusses the possible long-term effects on offspring that are exposed to cannabis, especially during the first trimester. Click to learn more about marijuana use and fertility:
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Lymphocyte Immunization in Infertility

What is lymphocyte immunization and why is it not practiced in the United States? In this video, Dr. Gleicher discusses the history of lymphocyte immunization for infertility and why CHR does not follow this practice. Click to learn more from the CHR website:
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Prevention of Chemical Pregnancy Based on Cause

In the final video from the series of talks about chemical pregnancies, Dr. Gleicher discusses how to prevent chemical pregnancies. While treatments for chemical pregnancies are nonexistent due to the lack of time, there are ways to prevent chemical once you find out the underlying cause for the chemical pregnancy. Learn more from the CHR website:
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What Is a Chemical Pregnancy?

What is a chemical pregnancy, and how does it differ from a clinical pregnancy? In the first of three talks, Dr. Gleicher discusses that a chemical pregnancy can only be diagnosed through the means of a blood test and that once that pregnancy is detected via ultrasound, it will then be considered a clinical pregnancy. Learn more from the CHR website:
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Implications of Chemical Pregnancies

In this video, Dr. Gleicher gives a brief history of chemical pregnancies and describes that although chemical pregnancies are not considered in pregnancy statistics, chemical pregnancies can be very helpful in determining the likelihood of becoming pregnant with IVF or through natural causes. Learn more from the CHR website:
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The Androderm® Patch for Female Fertility: Why and How It's Used

The Androderm® patch is a skin patch that delivers the hormone testosterone. In this video, Dr. Gleicher discusses the Androderm® patch and how it is used for female fertility. To learn more, visit the CHR website:
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Why Is Human Growth Hormone (HGH) for IVF Suddenly So Popular?

Many fertility clinics are using human growth hormone (HGH) for IVF. Can HGH help with fertility? In this video, Dr. Gleicher discusses how human growth hormone (HGH) increasingly appears to be yet another “fashion of the moment,” as more and more IVF centers use it almost as a routine, despite the lack of parallel studies to help support the use of HGH for IFV. Learn more from our website:
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The Best Ways to Use Human Growth Hormone (HGH) for IVF

What is the best way to use human growth hormone (HGH) for IVF? In this video, Dr. Gleicher talks about CHR's method for using HGH for IVF. Although there are no convincing studies yet that prove HGH works in infertility treatment, CHR is currently running two clinical trials, and recommends stating HGH 6 to 8 weeks before starting IVF. Learn more on our website:
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CHR's Precautions Against COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Infections

Dr. Gleicher from the Center for Human Reproduction in New York City explains what steps CHR is taking to protect our patients during the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Skype and remote consults, including online second opinions, are available during this time. Learn more at:
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IVF Decisions in the Time of COVID-19 (Coronavirus): Advice for Fertility Patients

Dr. Gleicher from the Center for Human Reproduction in New York City offers advice for patients considering, or currently undergoing, fertility treatment during the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Skype and remote consults, including online second opinions, are available during this time. Learn more at:
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What Fertility Patients Should Know About COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Dr. Gleicher from the Center for Human Reproduction in New York City explains what patients undergoing fertility treatment should expect during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Skype and remote consults, including online second opinions, are available during this time. Learn more at:
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Going beyond the chromosomes: What determines the health and viability of human embryos

What can determine the health and viability of human embryos? In this video, Dr. Albertini discusses how scientists globally are revisiting the basic understanding of genetic inheritance to better perceive which embryos are accepted and condoned during the critical early stages of a pregnancy. Learn more from the CHR website:
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The Responsibilities of an IVF Center During the COVID-19 Pandemic: CHR Explains the ASRM Statement

Dr. Norbert Gleicher explains the ASRM's statement recommending the suspension of infertility treatment for non-urgent cases. CHR continues to accept patients who require urgent treatment. If you're an urgent patient, contact us here: We are also offering remote/Skype consultations for all patients. Learn more about remote consults here:
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How to Continue Your Fertility Journey During the COVID-19 Crisis: 3 Pieces of Advice

Dr. Gleicher shares his top 3 pieces of advice for continuing your fertility journey if you're an active fertility patient during the COVID-19 crisis. CHR continues to accept patients who require urgent treatment to begin cycles immediately. If you're an urgent patient, contact us here: We are also offering remote/Skype consultations for all patients. Learn more about remote consults here:
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Embryos found to be abnormal via PGT-A? Don't let them be discarded!

In this video, Dr. Gleicher discusses why it is important not to discard chromosomally abnormal embryos because some of these embryos are potentially transferrable and could result in a healthy pregnancy rate. Learn more from our website:
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What online fertility tests can and cannot tell you

Premature Ovarian Aging (POA) affects about 10% of all women and in this video, Dr. Gleicher talks about the importance of the What's My Fertility infertility risk screening program, which was developed and patented by physicians and scientists at CHR. Dr. Gleicher recommends that women between the ages of 18-35 learn more about their fertility using What's My Fertility to see if they are at risk of developing POA, and what their options are. Learn more from our website:
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IVF Failed. Now What? - Find Hope for Failed IVF at CHR in NYC

There's still hope after failed IVF. At the Center for Human Reproduction in Manhattan, we specialize in difficult cases - including patients with multiple past failed IVF cycles, as well as women over 40. Contact us online: Or call us today at (212) 994-4400 to ask us anything or schedule an appointment. An unsuccessful IVF cycle can be emotionally and financially devastating. We know this well, because most of our patients come to us after having at least one failed IVF cycle at another fertility center. At CHR, we specialize in helping patients with tough cases of infertility - and we know that failed IVF cycles can provide clues for a successful next IVF treatment. Our confidence on this issue derives from the fact that we have helped so many patients over the years to conceive, in spite of their long histories of unsuccessful fertility treatments. Many patients come to CHR after their first or even second and third fertility center give up on them, denying them further treatments unless the patients agree to use donor eggs. CHR is committed to helping patients get pregnant with their own eggs. Learn more at:
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CHR's Second Opinion Program: How It Works and What to Expect

The Center for Human Reproduction has introduced a Second Opinion Program. In this video, DR. Gleicher explains what you can expect when getting a second opinion from CHR in regards to your IVF and fertility treatment. Our Second Opinion Program does not require a commitment from you, but you can simply get recommendations from our team of scientists at CHR and choose to conduct your treatment with us, or with another center. For more information, head over to the CHR website:
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Can PRP Ovarian Rejuvenation Help Women with Diminished Ovarian Reserve: PRP Clinical Trials at CHR

Dr. Norbert Gleicher of the Center for Human Reproduction in New York City explains the three clinical trials on PRP (platelet-rich plasma) use for fertility purposes. The newest PRP trial, PRP3, is designed to test the hypothesis that injecting PRP into the ovaries of women with diminished ovarian reserve (DOR) might help them produce more eggs in IVF cycles. In the other two PRP clinical trials, CHR is investigating whether PRP injections into the ovaries can "reawaken" the dormant follicles in women who cannot produce eggs at all in IVF cycles. Women whose ovaries do produce eggs but not enough of them are eligible to participate in the PRP3 trial. More information about this trial is available here:
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If you've been following our channel for a while, you know that CHR does NOT support PGT-A testing in embryos. Dr. Norbert Gleicher, our Medical Director and founder reveals what new findings in the fertility world mean for PGT-A. Is it worth it? Find out now. Follow us on social to stay up to date on what CHR is doing! Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: Linkedin:
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History of the Center for Human Reproduction - Celebrate 40 Years With Us!

This July is our 40th anniversary! Tune in to learn more about CHR's history and Dr.Gleicher's path to leading fertility center the whole world turns to. We're thankful for each and every patient we've been able to join on their journey over the past 40 years. Be sure to share your fondest memories at CHR in the comments below!
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Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) for Fertility | Center for Human Reproduction

We often get asked about the use of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) for fertility. Learn more from Dr. David H. Barad and email/call us to participate!
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The Use of DHEA During Infertility Treatment

At the Center for Human Reproduction, we often use DHEA as part of our patients' protocols. In this video, Dr. Gleicher shares quite an interesting story detailing exactly how we came about using DHEA for infertility. Over the past 40 years, the Center for Human Reproduction has gained a worldwide reputation as the fertility center of last resort. When women have tried everything, and when everything else has failed, they come to us. And regardless of the difficulty of their infertility issues, we work with them. We are the fertility center the whole world turns to. We fight for every egg and embryo. To learn more and schedule a consultation visit or call us at (212) 994-4400.
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COVID-19 Vaccine: A Fertility Doctor's Opinion

Tune in to learn more about the COVID-19 vaccines and Dr. Gleicher's opinion on them! Be sure to comment any questions or concerns you may have. We are happy to address them! #covid19 #covid19vaccine #vaccine #ivf #fertility #infertility #fertilitydoctor #ttc
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Assisted Hatching & IVF | Center for Human Reproduction

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How Do Endocrine Disruptors Affect Fertility? | Center for Human Reproduction

Endocrine disruptors like BPA and phthalates are harmful substances found in our food, water, and many common products such as fragrances, containers, and more. Learn more about endocrine disruptors vs. fertility from Dr. Gleicher. The Center for Human Reproduction in the Upper East Side of Manhattan in New York City offers assisted reproduction services without age limits or other frustrating restrictions. The team of premier infertility specialists, including Norbert Gleicher, MD, FACOG, FACS, an autoimmune disease specialist, and David Barad, MD, MS, FACOG, a reproductive endocrinology specialist, bring their years of expertise to challenging and last-resort cases after multiple failed cycles and provide second opinions. The Center for Human Reproduction welcomes everyone for truly individualized care and customized treatments. They offer LGBTQ+ family building, single-parent family building, and affordable fertility treatments so that everyone can realize their dreams of parenthood. We fight for EVERY egg and EVERY embryo. To schedule a consultation, visit #fertility #ivf #invitrofertilization #infertility
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How Do We Make Better Eggs During Fertility Treatment?

Dr. Gleicher and Dr. Albertini of the Center For Human Reproduction talk about what makes CHR unique and what makes for good eggs!
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The Foundation for Reproductive Medicine Conference IS BACK in NYC!

We are delighted to have opened registration for the 2023 Foundation for Reproductive Medicine Conference. Over 3 conference days, we will again link evolving basic science with cutting-edge clinic practice, in the process facilitating translational connections between basic science and clinical fertility practice. The FRMC will be held at the Intercontinental Hotel in Times Square, NYC. As always, FRMC promises a very memorable visit to New York City. Register here:
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Should I Do Mini-IVF? What You Should Know

The Center for Human Reproduction in the Upper East Side of Manhattan in New York City offers assisted reproduction services without age limits or other frustrating restrictions. We are unlike any other fertility center across the world. The team of premier infertility specialists, including Norbert Gleicher, MD, FACOG, FACS, an autoimmune disease specialist, and David Barad, MD, MS, FACOG, a reproductive endocrinology specialist, bring their years of expertise to challenging and last-resort cases after multiple failed cycles and provide second opinions. The team offers all-encompassing female and male fertility services, including egg freezing, the use of donor eggs, intrauterine insemination (IUI), in vitro fertilization (IVF), and gender selection. They’re particularly experienced with older patients and women with endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and low ovarian reserve. The Center for Human Reproduction welcomes everyone for truly individualized care and customized treatments. They offer LGBTQ+ family building, single-parent family building, and affordable fertility treatments so that everyone can realize their dreams of parenthood. The Center for Human Reproduction warmly welcomes patients to its office, where the team fights for every egg and embryo. Set up a consultation with the leading team of fertility doctors by calling the office or visiting
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Revolutionizing IVF: The Evolution and Impact of Private Equity in Fertility Medicine

Join us for a captivating and enlightening conversation with renowned fertility expert, Dr. Norbert Gleicher, as he takes us on a journey through the fascinating evolution of the IVF field. In this episode, Dr. Gleicher delves into the pivotal moments, breakthroughs, and milestones that have shaped fertility treatment into the viable solution it is today. Drawing upon his extensive experience as a reproductive endocrinologist, Dr. Gleicher shares captivating insights into the history of IVF, tracing its humble beginnings to the cutting-edge advancements we witness in the field today. Discover how this remarkable medical technology has transformed the lives of countless individuals and couples worldwide. But that's not all—Dr. Gleicher also delves into a topic that often goes under the radar: the prominent role of private equity in shaping the world of assisted reproductive technology. As we explore the intersection of medicine and finance, Dr. Gleicher sheds light on the motivations, benefits, and potential concerns associated with this financial influence. With a keen focus on the present landscape, Dr. Gleicher offers a balanced perspective on the growing involvement of private equity within the field of IVF. Discover how this financial influence has shaped the accessibility, affordability, and innovation within fertility medicine. Gain insights into the ethical considerations, potential future developments, and the implications for patients and society at large. Don't miss this thought-provoking episode as Dr. Norbert Gleicher takes us on an intriguing exploration of the past, present, and future of IVF, offering a comprehensive understanding of the role private equity plays in shaping the world of assisted reproductive technology. Subscribe now to join the conversation and expand your knowledge in this rapidly evolving field!
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The Role of Private Equity In IVF: Part 2

Join us as we uncover the various ways in which private equity investments are impacting IVF clinics, research facilities, and technological innovations. We'll discuss how private equity firms, with their substantial financial resources and expertise, are fueling the growth and expansion of IVF centers worldwide. Subscribe to our channel and hit the notification bell to stay updated on our latest videos. Join us as we explore the fascinating landscape of IVF!
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Which Day Should Embryos Be Transferred?

Join us as Dr. Gleicher delves into the fascinating topic of embryo transfer and shares his insights on the best day for this crucial step in the journey towards successful fertility treatments. Drawing from his vast experience and cutting-edge research, Dr. Gleicher presents a compelling case for a specific day that he believes maximizes the chances of a successful implantation.
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All About Egg Freezing With Dr. Norbert Gleicher

Whether you're a woman looking to take control of your reproductive future, a concerned partner, or simply curious about the latest breakthroughs in fertility preservation, this episode is a must-watch! Join us as we sit down with the renowned fertility expert, Dr. Norbert Gleicher, to explore the ins and outs of egg freezing, its implications, and the latest advancements in this field. ?? Why is egg freezing becoming increasingly popular? ?? Who can benefit from this reproductive technology? ?? What are the key factors to consider when contemplating egg freezing? ?? What does the egg freezing process involve? ?? What should you know about the success rates and potential risks? Dr. Gleicher brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, having played a pivotal role in advancing fertility science. His insights into egg freezing are invaluable for anyone interested in this fertility preservation option. Don't forget to subscribe, like, and hit that notification bell to stay updated with our latest episodes. Share this video with anyone who might find it helpful, and leave your questions and comments below. We love hearing from our listeners! #EggFactorPodcast #EggFreezing #FertilityPreservation #DrNorbertGleicher #ReproductiveHealth #FertilityJourney #WomenEmpowerment #SubscribeNow
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What to Do if You Experience a Chemical Pregnancy

In this insightful video, we have the esteemed Dr. Norbert Gleicher, renowned reproductive endocrinologist and Medical Director at CHR, discussing a topic that many couples face on their fertility journey - Chemical Pregnancy. ?? About the Center for Human Reproduction (CHR) CHR is a world-renowned fertility center dedicated to providing cutting-edge reproductive care to patients facing infertility challenges. Led by Dr. Norbert Gleicher and his team of experts, CHR has been at the forefront of fertility research and treatment for over three decades. ?? Connect with CHR Website: Instagram: Facebook: Thank you for watching, and remember, you are not alone on this path. Together, we can overcome the challenges of infertility and work towards building the families of our dreams. #ChemicalPregnancy #FertilityJourney #DrNorbertGleicher #CenterForHumanReproduction #CHR #InfertilitySupport
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When to Freeze Your Eggs From an Infertility Physician

Discover the perfect timing for egg freezing with Dr. Norbert Gleicher! ?? In this short but insightful episode, we tap into the wisdom of one of the foremost experts in fertility, Dr. Gleicher. Learn about the crucial factors that influence the decision to freeze your eggs and gain valuable insights to help you make the right choice for your reproductive future. Don't miss this opportunity to unlock the secrets of optimal egg freezing timing. Subscribe now for more expert advice and stay tuned to The Egg Factor Podcast for all things fertility and empowerment. ?? #EggFreezingTiming #DrNorbertGleicher #FertilityInsights
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CHR's PRP Clinical Trial and Infertility

In this insightful video, we have the privilege of hosting Dr. Barad, a leading expert in reproductive medicine, who sheds light on CHR's groundbreaking Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Clinical Trial and its profound implications for infertility treatment.
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?? Hurry! Schedule Your Appointment Before Year-End - Important Insurance Tips from Dr. Gleicher!

? As the year draws to a close, it's crucial to make the most of your insurance benefits! ?? Dr. Gleicher, our esteemed Medical Director at CHR, urges everyone to schedule their appointments before the holiday season wraps up. In this video, we'll dive into why it's essential to book now and how you can maximize your insurance coverage before the year ends. Don't miss out on this opportunity for both financial and health benefits! ???? Schedule an appointment here: #EndOfYearHealth #InsuranceTips #DrGleicherAdvice
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Dr. Gleicher Explains How CHR Can Help Achieve Your New Year's Family Goals!

Join Dr. Norbert Gleicher, Medical Director at CHR, as he shares how our team is dedicated to supporting your New Year's resolution of starting or growing your family. Dr. Gleicher discusses the unique journey to parenthood and how CHR's personalized care and advanced fertility treatments can help make your dreams a reality in 2024. Whether you are at the beginning of your fertility journey or looking to continue, CHR is here for you. Click the link below to schedule an appointment with us and let’s make this the year your family grows. #NewYearNewFamily #FertilityJourney #ScheduleWithCHR
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Guess the Medication Challenge! #IVFedition

?? Can you take a guess at what this medication is? Drop your answers in the comments below! ?? #clinic #follistim #IVFmedication #infertilityclinic #infertilityphysician
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Inside the Lab: Sperm Under the Microscope! #EmbryologyInsights

?? Ever wondered what sperm looks like up close? Our embryologist takes us on an exclusive tour inside the lab, showcasing the fascinating world of sperm under the microscope! ?? Dive into the microscopic universe of IVF with us. #sperm #spermanalysis #IVF #infertilityclinic #embryologist #embryology
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New Year, New Beginnings: We're Accepting New Patients! #FamilyDreams

?? Kicking off the new year with exciting news! We've been receiving lots of calls asking if we're accepting new patients, and the answer is a resounding YES!! If you're dreaming of starting or growing your family, we're here to help make those dreams come true. Let's embark on this journey together! ?? #newyearsresolutions #newpatients #infertilityclinic #clinic
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What Happens After We Freeze Your Eggs? #CryopreservationExplained

?? Curious about what happens to your eggs once they're frozen? Join us in this fascinating journey as we explore the process of egg freezing and cryopreservation. Our embryologists give you an insider's look into the world of embryo care post-freezing. Stay tuned! #eggfreezing #embryofreezing #cryopreservation #embryo #embryologist
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Stunning Research Images from Our Lab! #EmbryologyArt

?? Dive into the beauty of science with us! Check out these amazing research images from our lab – they're not just informative, they're visually stunning. We never tire of marveling at the intricate details of embryology. Join us in appreciating the art behind the science! #embryology #inthelab #thesciencebehind #embryo #fertility
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FRMC 2023: A Triumph in Fertility Medicine! Sign Up for 2024 Now! #FRMC2024

?? Catch the excitement from Dr. Gleicher about the recent FRMC Fertility Conference! As a proud main sponsor, CHR contributed to an event filled with innovative discussions and breakthroughs in fertility medicine. We're already looking forward to FRMC 2024 – don't miss your chance to be part of this evolving field. Sign up now and join us in shaping the future of reproductive health! #FRMC2023 #FertilityConferenceTriumph #CHRLeadingInnovation
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Embryo photos from a clinic!

We'll never get tired of looking at these. ? ? #embryology #inthelab #thesciencebehind #embryo #fertility
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Alabama Supreme Court Decision

Dr. Gleicher addresses the recent and shocking Supreme Court decision in Alabama, where embryos are now considered babies, leading to two clinics halting all IVF treatments. At CHR, we stand by the belief that this law does not align with logical or scientific understanding of reproductive health. ? ? If you are currently facing uncertainties in your IVF journey due to these developments in Alabama, we want you to know that we are here for you. Our team is committed to providing support, guidance, and alternative solutions to help you navigate this challenging landscape. ? ? #IVFSupport #ReproductiveRights #AlabamaDecision
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?? Happy International Women's Month! ??

?? Happy International Women's Month! ?? As we step into this empowering month, we at CHR want to celebrate the remarkable strength, resilience, and beauty of women everywhere. ? ? This month is a tribute to the contributions and achievements of women past, present, and future, and an opportunity to reflect on the journey towards equality and empowerment.? ? #InternationalWomensMonth #CelebrateWomen #Empowerment #CHRFamily
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What happens after you freeze your eggs?

Ever wonder what happens to your eggs after we freeze them? ? ? #eggfreezing #embryofreezing #cryopreservation #embryo
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We're accepting new patients!

We've had an uptick in the new year with people calling asking if we're accepting new patients - and the answer is YES!! We'd love to help you create your dream family! ??? ? ? #newyearsresolutions #newpatients #infertilityclinic #clinic
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Sperm under a microscope

Our embryologist brought us into the lab to show us what sperm looks like under a microscope! ? ? #sperm #spermanalysis #IVF #infertilityclinic #embryologist #embryology
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Guess the meds!

Can you guess what this medication is?? ? #clinic #follistim #IVFmedication #infertilityclinic #infertilityphysician
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Egg Freezing at CHR is $4,000!

Egg Freezing at CHR is $4,000! Affordable and accessible - that’s what we’re about!?? ?? Join Sonia Gayete, our esteemed fertility specialist and researcher at CHR and FRM, as she explores this important topic. If you’d like to schedule an egg freezing consult, please visit our website or call our office. ? #EggFreezingGuidance #FertilityOptions #CHRExpertTalks
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Meet Sonia Gayete, a distinguished fertility specialist and researcher at CHR and FRM

???? Meet Sonia Gayete, a distinguished fertility specialist and researcher at CHR and FRM. In our latest video, Sonia delves into the world of egg freezing, discussing its numerous benefits and how it empowers women in their fertility journey. Whether you're considering future family planning or seeking ways to preserve your fertility options, ? ? #EggFreezing #FertilityEmpowerment #CHRInsights
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How many eggs should I freeze?

Sonia discusses the optimal number of eggs to freeze, considering factors like age, individual fertility goals, and statistical success rates. This guide is essential for anyone considering egg freezing as a proactive step in their fertility journey. ? ? #EggFreezingAdvice #FertilityPlanning #CHRInsights
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Egg freezing explained

Whether you're just starting to consider egg freezing or are ready to take the next step, this video is an invaluable resource, demystifying the process and answering all your questions. ? ? #EggFreezingExplained #FertilityJourney #CHRKnowledge
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Meet Dr. Gleicher!

Did you know Dr. Gleicher preformed the world's first successful vaginal egg retrieval in 1983? He's been here since the dawn of infertility medicine. If you have any questions for Dr. Gleicher, let us know in the comments! We'll have him answering some questions! ? ? #eggretrieval #infertilityawareness #ttc #ttccommunity #reproductivehealth
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Does egg freezing affect your fertility?

Does egg freezing affect your fertility? Sonia our fertility specialist tells us! ? ? #fertilitypreservation #eggfreezing #reproductivehealth #womenshealth
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What's the egg retrieval process?

???? Join Sonia as she demystifies the egg retrieval process in our latest video. ? ? #EggRetrievalExplained #FertilityExpertise #WatchNow
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Personalized IVF care at CHR

At CHR, we believe in the power of personalized IVF care. Every day, we tailor our fertility treatment plans to meet the unique needs of each patient, creating specialized care that adapts to your specific journey. Our dedicated team works tirelessly to fine-tune every detail, from medication protocols to retrieval strategies, to provide you with the best possible path to parenthood. ? ? #PersonalizedFertilityCare #SpecializedTreatment #PatientCentered
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How long can eggs, sperm, and embryos be frozen for?

Did you know that specimen can be frozen indefinitely? ? ? #CHR #embryo #eggfreezing #embryofreezing
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Hi there!

Hi! We're a fertility clinic on the Upper East Side and we're accepting new patients! We have two physicians Dr. Gleicher and Dr. Barad who both specialize in the hard cases! If you've been told before you have "unexplained fertility" we're here to help you! ? ? #clinic #fertilitytreatment #unexplainedfertility
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Watch an ICSI procedure!

Did you know that embryologists have to learn to use a certain type of microscope to perform ICSI? ? ? #CHR #embryologist #ICSI
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Treating Endometriosis

Join Dr. Gleicher as he dives into the complexities of endometriosis in our latest video. This condition, often misunderstood and underdiagnosed, affects millions of women worldwide, impacting their health, fertility, and quality of life.? ? #EndometriosisAwareness #FertilityHealth
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Watch an egg get fertilized

Watch an egg get fertilized in real time! ? ? #egg #fertilized #ICSI #IVF
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Why should you freeze your eggs?

Why should you freeze your eggs? ? ? ??Higher Success Rates at a Younger Age: Freezing your eggs at a younger age significantly enhances the chances of future pregnancy success. This is because younger eggs are typically healthier and more viable, leading to better outcomes when you're ready to start your family.? ? ??Preserving Your Fertility Window: Egg freezing acts like a pause button on your biological clock, allowing you to preserve your fertility at its current state. This means you have the power to plan your family on your timeline without the pressure of the ticking fertility clock.? ? ??Advancements in Technology Increase Success: Modern vitrification techniques have transformed egg freezing from a possibility to a highly successful reality by preserving the integrity of the egg and significantly improving the success rate of future fertilization and pregnancy.? ? AND we're affordable! Check out our website to see our egg freezing prices! ? ? #eggfreezing #fertilitypreservation #eggfreezingcycle
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We love the spunk!! ???? #embryology #sperm #IVF #fertilitytreatment

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???? #CHR #fertility #TransparentPricing #EggFreezing #FertilityCare

At CHR, we’re about making egg freezing accessible and transparent in pricing. For as low as $3,833 per cycle, you can preserve your fertility for the future. While a single egg freezing cycle at CHR is $5,600, we want you to know that this isn't about profit for us—it's about providing a service. Our focus is on an older demographic, and egg freezing isn't the core of our business; the cost of the treatment primarily covers the man power and equipment needed to complete the cycle. ? ? Our packages are designed to be rational and cost-effective, including all you need for the cycle—monitoring, ultrasounds, hormone checks, retrieval, and cryopreservation. Excluded are consultation fees, anesthesia during retrieval, medication costs, and storage fees for your frozen eggs—structured to be fair and straightforward without hidden surprises. You can find specific numbers at the links in our bio and on our website! ? We're proud to offer what we believe to be some of the most rational and cost-effective egg freezing options in NYC. Visit us to learn more about our tailored plans, where reaching your family goals meets affordability. ?
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We always make room for patients!?? #patients #room #schedule #fertilityclinic

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Every story is unique, and every journey is #reMARKable #fertilityawareness

This #NIAW2024, we invite you to share your tales of resilience and hope. Your struggles and triumphs in family building deserve the spotlight. Let's tell our stories together and shed light on the many paths to parenthood. #LeaveYourMARK2024 #ReMARKableStories
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They say it takes a village, and we couldn’t agree more. #LeaveYourMARK2024 #mothersday

On this second day of #NIAW2024, let's #MARKYourSupport by celebrating those who walk with us. Tag your support squad - friends, groups, or communities that have been pillars of strength in your journey.
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Your voice matters. Take a stand against anti-family legislation.

Show lawmakers that we are united and strong. Together, let's #MakeYourMark for a world where building a family knows no barriers. #LeaveYourMARK2024 #NIAW2024
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In the spirit of #NIAW2024, make a contribution to lasting change.

Your donation today will help us continue the fight for those on their family-building journey. #LeaveYourMARK2024 #Donate
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As seen on @abc7news- With over 40 decades of IVF experience, Dr. Gleicher is ready to help.???????

If you are experiencing infertility, CHR is the place to begin family building.
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As seen on @abc7news- With over 40 decades of IVF experience, Dr. Gleicher is ready to help.???????

If you are experiencing infertility, CHR is the place to begin family building.
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Center for Human Reproduction Live Stream

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Fertility Treatment Options for LGBTQ+ People

It's Pride Month! Dr. Gleicher discusses different treatment options like reciprocal IVF, egg donation, and surrogacy in the context of building LGBTQ+ families.
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Grandrounds: Endometriosis, Not Just a Gynecologic Disease

Welcome to Grandrounds June 2024!
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Grandrounds June 6th - Dr. Hugh Taylor on Endometriosis and the Endometrium

Join us for a fascinating lecture by Dr. Hugh Taylor from the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences at the Yale School of Medicine on the role of endometriosis in fertility and improvements to recognition and diagnosis.
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Happy Pride Day from the CHR!

June 30th is Pride Day in New York City! Dr. Gleicher wants to wish you a happy day of celebration!
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