What Are The Side Effects of DHEA?

Dr. Norbert Gleicher


DHEA has few serious side effects

Already a number of years ago, a worldwide survey of IVF centers revealed that approximately half were supplementing selected patients with dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). The number must be even bigger by now. Though studies on how widely DHEA is used in fertility practice are lacking, anecdotal evidence suggests that utilization of DHEA has been skyrocketing, though not exclusively because physicians are prescribing it more. At least in the U.S., where DHEA is considered a dietary supplement and, as such, is available without prescription, a significant component of increasing DHEA utilization in female infertility comes from self-medication of patients.

Though CHR basically initiated the worldwide utilization of DHEA in infertile women through a large number of groundbreaking studies, it was never CHR’s intent to encourage such self-medication. Indeed, these pages and other content on CHR’s website have always made the argument that DHEA is a hormone and, like all other hormones, whether under prescription requirement or not, should be treated as a hormone and, therefore, at least when it comes to infertility treatments, should be only taken under physician supervision.

The reason is not that DHEA supplementation has dangerous side effects; DHEA, indeed, does not have any really dangerous side effects at the dosages usually recommended for selected women with infertility. Moreover, since DHEA has rather poor affinity to the androgen receptor, it is not a very effective androgen on its own and, therefore, even if its levels are a little high, one cannot expect any significant side effects. Because our bodies make testosterone from DHEA, it is prescribed in an effort to raise testosterone levels, especially in ovaries. Ovaries must have good testosterone levels in order to produce good egg numbers and quality.

While giving a patient testosterone directly would flush all organs in her body with the same level of testosterone, if testosterone is raised via DHEA administration, every organ, the ovaries included, takes only as much DHEA out of circulation as needed for that specific organ, as different organs require different levels of testosterone. Supplementation with DHEA, therefore, has fewer side effects than direct supplementation with testosterone and is preferable.

DHEA's side effects are mostly temporary and mild

The side effect female patients mention most frequently is actually a positive one: They frequently feel more vigorous (sometimes even a bit more “aggressive”) and experience a better sex-drive, general libido and feeling of better general sexual health in all aspects (for more on this subject, see also the article on DHEA for improved sexual female health in this issue of the VOICE).

Negative DHEA side effects we most frequently hear about are overall rare and relatively mild. They include oily skin, acne and hair loss. All three are immediately reversible with lowering of DHEA dosage (usually 25 mg three times daily) or discontinuation of supplementation. Other, even rarer side effects are also reported, and we recommend reading the package insert of the DHEA product you purchase. We also recommend that you carefully choose the DHEA product you purchase since the literature has demonstrated that many DHEA products do not necessarily contain what their label claims.

Interactions and contraindications for DHEA

As already mentioned before, since DHEA is a hormone and our bodies make testosterone from DHEA, supplementation with DHEA can also interact with other medications in many different ways. A small portion of DHEA is also converted to estrogen. DHEA, therefore, should not be used if increases in estrogen levels are contraindicated, as in, for example, certain breast cancer patients.

Getting the most benefits out of DHEA

These are most of the reasons why CHR strongly recommends that DHEA only be taken under physician supervision. Another reason is that, unfortunately, DHEA is frequently taken incorrectly. For example, DHEA will have hardly any effects if taken only during IVF cycles. Because good testosterone levels are important at the so-called small growing follicle stages, and these follicles still need ca. two months before they become available for retrieval in an IVF cycle, in order to realize full DHEA benefits, supplementation must be started at least 6-8 weeks before IVF cycle start.

Obviously, DHEA supplementation should be only used if testosterone levels are relatively low. The lower they are, the more is such supplementation needed. It does, on the other hand, make absolutely no sense to supplement with DHEA if androgen levels are normal or even high. Medical supervision is, therefore, really important and testosterone levels should be monitored together with levels of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), which usually goes the opposite direction from testosterone and can be used as a barometer in determining whether testosterone has reached a normal range.

This is a part of the April 2019 CHR VOICE.

The doctors and staff are all great. They will go to great lengths and fight for every chance you have!

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Dr. Barad has elegant solutions to medical issues and is a skilled practitioner.

K.M. Office Visit

We are writing this letter of gratitude for Dr Norbert Gleicher and the entire staff at Center for Human Reproduction. My wife and I are so very thankful that we listened to Dr Gleicher's advice back on October 1st,2021 during a consultation he advised us to not allow our fertilized eggs to be discarded and killed.Our two eggs were tested and declared to be irregular by another IVF lab. We kept the eggs frozen and after 4 more failed IVF cycles came to Dr Gleicher for another try. We asked Dr Gleicher if it was worth a try to have eggs transferred into my wife and he studied the data and approved of the procedure. On February 7th,2024 we had 2 frozen eggs transferred and waited for the results.Finally later in February after the 13 day wait we were advised of blood test that confirmed that we were pregnant with an xx embryo from the transfer.XX is a girl and a huge feeling warmth and happiness overwhelmed both of us. We had several ultrasounds during the 4-5 weeks following and all were very positive with strong heartbeat and great growth, Today my wife is approaching her 18th week pregnant and all is going great with the development and follow up visits. Our baby is growing by the day and we look forward to our 20 week ultrasound for further development rate. If we had not discussed and listened to Dr Gleicher back in 2021 we would never have been so far with a pregnancy. The entire staff is wonderful and Hui Na was very helpful and communicative through the entire process with my wife. Please accept our sincere thank you and heartfelt praise for the team. Our baby is due around Oct 26th,2024 and we intend to vist to say thanks in person,we will make the trip from our home in Florida. Blessings to all.

M.C. Office Visit

My husband & I had an initial consultation with Dr. Barad, and were blown away by the time he spent with us & care he put into our conversation & next steps. For the first time in a long time on our infertility journey, it felt like someone actually heard us & our concerns. He's already suggested some new approaches we can take towards having a healthy pregnancy, that no other doctor ever mentioned, and we've been at this for years! The peace of mind & hope he offered alone were worth it. Would highly recommend.

R.L. Office Visit


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