Affordable Egg Freezing

Affordable Egg Freezing  Promo: Do you want to put off having children for a few years, but you’re worried about not having e

Society often likes to remind women that their biological clocks are ticking. If you don’t start having babies soon enough, you may not be able to have one at all. But what if your career is just taking off or you still haven't found the right partner? Or what if you’re facing health challenges that could impact your fertility? 

Even if you’re looking for a way to feel more in control of your fertility, including when you’ll have a baby and how, you might want to look into the amazing world of egg freezing.

Egg freezing is a relatively new procedure in the world of assisted reproductive technology, but it provides a way for you to freeze your eggs now so you can use them when you’re ready to have children. 

At the Center for Human Reproduction, located on the Upper East Side of New York, New York, infertility specialists Norbert Gleicher, MD, FACOG, FACS, David Barad, MD, MS, FACOG, and the rest of our team offer egg freezing to give you options for taking control of your fertility. 

Here’s a look at our affordable egg-freezing program at the Center for Human Reproduction. 

Understanding egg freezing

Egg freezing is known medically as oocyte cryopreservation. During this procedure, you’re given a medication that stimulates egg production before your eggs are retrieved and then frozen for later use. 

When you’re ready, the frozen eggs are thawed and then fertilized with sperm to create an embryo. The embryo is then implanted into your uterus during what’s called an embryo transfer cycle. 

Who might need egg freezing?

Women in their 20s benefit most from freezing their eggs. This is because as you age, both the quality and quantity of your eggs start diminishing significantly. Freezing your eggs while you have a lot of healthy ones is a great way to preserve optimal fertility. 

These are some common reasons women may choose to freeze their eggs:

Fighting premature ovarian aging

Premature ovarian aging (POA) happens when your egg count becomes much lower for your age than expected. This typically happens due to genetics, and it’s a common cause of female infertility. POA can make it incredibly difficult to carry a baby to term or get pregnant in the first place. 

Freezing your eggs as early as possible helps increase your chance of harvesting healthy eggs before the POA worsens and reduces the possibility of conceiving even more. 

Resolving health issues

Having various health problems like cancer or endometriosis and going through treatments for them can put you at risk for fertility issues later on. Freezing your eggs before an illness that can wreak havoc on your reproductive organs helps increase your chances of being able to conceive after the health issue is resolved. 

Delaying childbirth 

If you’re simply furthering your education or pursuing achievements at work and don’t want to have children now, you can preserve your eggs while they’re healthy. This way you can still have children when you’re ready, even if it’s later in life. 

Freeze your eggs with the Center for Human Reproduction

We understand that cost can often get in the way of going through fertility treatments such as egg freezing. So, at the Center for Human Reproduction, we offer affordable options for egg freezing, so you can get the treatment you need for fertility preservation. 

Our egg-freezing program involves personalized care from start to finish. Not to mention we store frozen eggs on site and use advanced technology for the freezing process. All of these steps are available to you at cost, making our egg-freezing program more accessible for anyone who’d like to utilize it.

To learn more about our affordable egg-freezing program, schedule an appointment by calling our office or booking online today.

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